chapter 16

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Kongpop POV

Arthit's father , our current defense minister is a very clean politician . there is a very high chance for him to win the election again.

From the time the news was announced that he is going to be nominated again . the threatenings began.

phone calls warning him not to stand for election and if so happen he won't see arthit alive again .

At first the minister didn't give much importance to the threat because he knew Arthit's identity was safe . well... Not until he received a box having Arthit's photos inside with a red X mark in it .
That's how I was given the duty to protect arthit .

Noting that their is only one month left before the submission of nomination for election .
The risk for Arthit's life is high .

It will be high until we find the spy next to him.... BK

My first clue ... BK is a student and close to arthit ...
Out of 10206 students in my collage ... who are you BK.?..

With the help of p aim , I almost narrowed the suspects list to 42 which includes Arthit's friends , their partners , some girls he dated , some boys and a new transfer student namtarn.

Keeping the eye on all of them is not possible when I also have a duty to protect arthit .
My dad decided to help with this by providing one more person to help.
And it was none other than the spy MP herself ....

P new informed me that arthit is with his gang of friends and will attend the classes only after the lunch hour.
Since the gang is still at Arthit's home and p new is with them , i can ensure arthit is safe.
After all P new is a retired agent from my agency and my old trainer .

Grabbing this opportunity I called my dad to arrange a meeting with MP.

Within 10 minutes I got a message from an unknown number .

Meet me at library
Physics section

I hurried to the library physics section to see a girl hiding her face behind a huge book as if reading it.
I cleared my throat to get her attention

She slowly removed the book giving me a smile with turned to a shocked face just like mine..

I stood their frozen seeing the spy I was eagerly waiting to meet all these years

..."Are you MP?"

..."Are you agent 0062?"

The top spy of my agency ... The person everyone in my agency wanted to meet ...
It was none other than the one I was sitting next to for all these days ...

Hey guys ... Am back ...
So how is this chapter ?
Waiting for your votes and comments...

Bright * Rome story coming up soon

For those who haven't seen
our sky episode 1 pick * Rome...
Here is the link

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