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Making decisions is something a lot of people would always have problems with that's of course because decisions are the hardest when it is a choice between where you should be and where you want to be. Natalia knew that with deciding between the two options she should think about her good first. That she can't live her life for other people. She's got to do what's right for her, even if it hurts some people she loves.

But even with knowing that what she's doing is for the better she couldn't help but feel anxious, fearful and oh how happy she was that Jasper was away with the rest of the family hunting that he couldn't feel these emotions of her at this moment.

The sound of the phone ringing with the light from it lighting up the room made Natalia snap out of her thoughts to look down at it. A small smile appears on her face when she sees who it's from. Picking it up and placing it beside her ear right when she pressed the answer button she was met with a loud excited voice.

"Well? Have you decided yet?" Leaning back in her seat Natalia's eyes travelled over to the painting that was hanging on her wall. She knew that this was what Althea would have asked, she was the only one that Natalia told about her plans finding the witch the best person to turn to at this moment.

"I did, don't worry after Edward and Bella are back I'll be over." On the other side of the phone, Althea was bursting with excitement. The excitement wired her body like she was plugged into the mains. She felt like her brain was on fast-forward and there was no off switch. Every part of Althea's body tingled. She bounced on her flexing feet as she wore the facial expression of a small child with an, especially large Christmas present. She had missed her best friend like crazy and the last time the vampire was over in New Orleans she realized how much she missed her.

"I hope so, it's boring here without you. The only one that keeps things interesting around here is Jeremy." At the mention of the boy Natalia laughed, there has always been something between Jeremy and Althea but they are both too stubborn to admit anything. But since the time Natalia was over at Althea's coven, the two have gotten closer.

"I'm sure there are more interesting things happening over there." Althea rolled her eyes while falling down on the couch and looking over her nails.

"Sure, if you call weekly council meetings and looking after a young witch fun."

"You're the one that wanted to be in power, you can't really complain here."

"Yes but no one told me it was going to be this boring!.... Look, Nat, I got to go I'm needed I'll call you back later." The blonde nodded saying a small goodbye when her eyes snapped to the outside again because of the boom that rolled across the forest causing Natalia to jump back a bit as she put down the phone and walked over to the window. The trees swayed in the strengthening gust, surrendering their fall leaves without a fight. Then came the first drops of rain like bullets to the roof and she looked out into the forest that by now was dark, the dense grey cloud blocked out the night sky, casting it in a premature twilight, but inside her room, it's darker, almost black with only the frequent lighting bringing in some light into the room

She was about to walk away when she heard a loud banging on the door of the house that made her jump back again now facing the door of her room. The loud sound echoed through the empty house bouncing off every wall in the house. 

She was surprised to hear someone banging on the door so loudly but she still walked out of her room and down the stairs to the front of the house with the sound of the banging only getting louder and louder with each delicate step that she took. She wasn't scared because why would she be but she was still cautious with what could happen next.

When she pulled the door open she was met with a sight that left her speechless while still holding on to the handle. Right in front of her stood a completely soaked Seth, he didn't look good he had circles under his eyes and it seemed like he was emotionally drained.

"Seth!" Shaking the shock on her face she pulled the boy into the building quickly and swiftly while closing the door. The moment she grabbed onto him it was like he melted in her touch nearly falling to the ground if not for the fact that she caught him with two arms staring at his face with concern.

"What were you thinking?! There's a storm outside it isn't a time you go on walks through the woods. Especially shirtless!" Now she knew that because he was a werewolf his immune system was very strong but it still made her worry.

Seth lazily looked up into her eyes and let a smile appear on his face when he saw her golden eyes that he would see every time he fell asleep.

"I-I just needed to make sure, I had to make sure you were okay.." Furrowing her brows the vampire now became more confused than before. Why wouldn't she be okay?

"What? Why?"

"I felt it... I felt your emotions... They were confusing... I had to make sure." His brows furrowed as his eyes closed slowly leaning into the girl's embrace. Natalia looked down at the boy with a sad smile now understanding what he meant. It made her feel so guilty that she was the reason he was feeling this way, whether they liked it or not he was connected to her and everything she did had a major impact on the boy.

Sighing she slowly stood up taking him into her arms while looking down at him. "I'm fine, now we need you to sleep." She knew that he didn't hear a thing she just said because he was knocked out in his sleep pretty much right away went he got a hold of her.

Speeding into her room she slowly placed him on the couch and placed a duvet over his body. Natalia reached over to his face a ran her hand through his wet hair to sweep it off his face bringing a smile onto his face. She now understood why Edward loved to watch Bella sleep, it had some sort of calming effect, like just watching him sleep she felt like she was also sleeping.

And Natalia wanted nothing more than to lay down and be enveloped by the warmth of silence. Whether she wanted to rest permanently or not, she did not know. She never would have thought silence would be considered warm but there she was sitting beside Seth who was completely captivated by his dreams while holding onto her hand and she was prepared to be swept away by sleep that could never happen.

She took this calm moment to look over Seth's face again and pay more attention to his facial features which were more so babyish with soft skin. There was nothing rugged about his looks at all, even his jaw was shaved absolutely smooth. She also only now noticed that she didn't even mind the smell that was coming of the boy, even if he smelled like a wet dog. It definitely must have something to do with the fact that she was his imprint but still, it was nice because, before all of this, the smell was quite distasteful.

"Well well, would you look at that." The sound of her sister made Natalia stand up quickly causing her hand to slip out of Seth's grip making a frown appear on his once peaceful face.

"Rose, not so loud he's sleeping." The shorter blonde pushed her sister out of her room before quietly closing the door of her bedroom after them. Natalia looked up at her sister to see her wearing a teasing smile.

"I didn't think I would ever see you hiding a boy in your room again." Natalia raised her eyebrow at her sister sighing.

"I'm not hiding him, I'm more than certain that the whole family can smell him but they are not doing anything because of Carlisle and Esme." The two girls shortly heard a chuckle coming from Emmett downstairs confirming what she said.

"Yes, well that doesn't exactly explain why you have a dog in your room." Shifting from one foot to another Natalia looked up at her sister with an innocent smile.

"To be completely honest with you Kitty I don't really know myself. He turned up at the house completely shaken up and worried about me before falling asleep. What was I supposed to do." Rosalie rolled her eyes while looking between the door and her sister.

"Alright, the dog can stay but don't think this is a normal thing. There is just so long that I could survive with a wet dog smell in the house." Rosalie sent her sister one last teasing smile before walking away making Natalia lean against her bedroom door watching her sister leave. When Rosalie is no more insight Natalia walks back into the room closing the room quietly.

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