Change in Plans

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Edward and Bella were on their way to the aeroplane from their honeymoon meant that Natalia could go forward with her plans earlier than she intended. It scared her lightly at how quickly everything was moving, it was like she could barely feel time moving.

But what frustrated the girl the most was the fact that no one was exactly telling her what was happening. Carlisle and Alice spoke with Bella and from what she could tell out of their conversation something happened, something bad. It made her feel bad inside that no one trusted her enough with the information. That neither Carlisle nor Rosalie would tell her anything really made her hurt. But then again they had no responsibility to tell her anything.

No one in the family was her mate at the end of the day.

She felt lonely in this whole situation. Before they came to Forks Natalia would always have Edward to lean on if the others were busy with their mates. They in some sense understood each other. And now when Edward was happily married to Bella, Natalia in some sense was left alone. Yes, she had a mate... but it was complicated.

If not for Seth who every time she would call picked up right away with a smile on his face she would have probably felt even more lonely.

Never before this situation had Natalia really noticed how time is so much like water, that it can pass slowly, a drop at a time, even freeze, or rush by in a blink. The clock says it is measured and constant, tick tock, part of an orderly world, the clock lies. The past week had passed like thousands of camera frames per second shown one at a time. In this slow time-bubble, the birdsong was louder and the colors were brighter. All the while she couldn't stop thinking about how she was going to tell everyone about her decision. She knew they wouldn't stop her from going through with it but she knew it may hurt them.

Natalia smiled as she walked out of the house and approached the biggest tree in the garden, a gentle smile graced her lips. The pleasant wind was like the music of old memories to her as she touched the tree.

When she looked up at the different leaves that framed the tree Natalia smiled confidently knowing it was all going to be alright. She always used nature as a way of gaining back her confidence, a way to reset her mind and be optimistic again.

The way of resetting herself is what made the girl so much more than just a sweet little innocent girl that everyone around her saw, even the ones closest to her. Not many people really see her as her with only a handful of people truly understanding her. There was one person who understood her 100% and knew how to make her show her true form.

And because of him, she was able to gain this confidence of a phoenix, of one who has suffered into ash, reborn in the flames of hot pain and commanded to sing. This confidence of hard-won yet deep, anchored in the true self that is always safe at her core. It is that which grows within, purging that which was born of fear, clearing the way for love to grow, to take up every aspect of who she is. And in this rawness, in this absolute vulnerability, she is confident...

Natalia snapped her head away from the tree when she heard her phone ringing. She dug into her pocket to see an incoming call from Bella making the blonde confused. She knew that something was going on because the family had been on tiptoes since the phone call between Carlisle and Edward. When Natalia asked what was going on the only answer she got was 'We don't really know.' She ignored the gut feeling of something bad happening but now when Bella was calling, especially her instead of Alice and Esme it made Natalia realize that something was really happening.

"Bella? Is everything alright?" There was a moment of silence on Bella's side like she was rethinking making this call. She knew that Natalia and Rosalie would understand her side of the problem but Bella also knew about how close Edward was with Natalia, treating each other like they were actual twins. This worried Bella because she didn't know if Natalia would just take Edward's side just for the sole fact of being on his side, and the fact that Bella only recently became actual friends with the blonde didn't help either.

"I need your and Rosalie's help."

"Help with what? Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm pregnant." The last word made Natalia's eyes widen as she froze in her spot. Never before had she thought that something like this was possible. For a human to be pregnant with a child that was also made of a vampire. But then again when she was human she didn't even believe in the existence of vampires and other creatures of this sort.

"Don't worry Bella, as long as I'm here nothing will harm you nor the child. I'll speak with you again when you arrive." When the call ended and Natalia put the phone away into her pocket she knew that all the plans that she had been making since the planning started for the wedding had to be put aside. For she couldn't be so selfish to leave in the middle of this, in the middle of Bella being pregnant and no one knowing what could happen next.

Some would say that if this whole situation was making her feel bad or not herself she should leave for her own good but she couldn't do that, she has always been a person who thought about other people before she would think about herself. She had it since she was a human and would always think about her father's well-being with her health coming in second.

But her heart of gold would be the reason for the large amount of pain she endured that she didn't even realize.

Sorry for such a short chapter I have been sick for the past week.

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