What actually happened to Silver

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Silver was left to scout the forest area, to make sure it was safe to stay at a nearby campsite for the night. If there was a Titan spotted, then he'd have to report back and tell the squads to move again, or kill it on sight. So far, there was nothing. 

It's been a few years since the...crawler accident. He still has nightmares about it, and wishes everyday he could go back and save everyone. But since he can't, he spends his days in silence, refusing to get close to anyone, including his friends who are still alive. 

Hooking onto another branch, Silver uses up a little more gas to hurry up, and hopefully get back before it's completely dark. However...the wire got caught on a different branch as he moved forward, pulling him back. The hook came out of the branch, causing the redhead to fall straight down, hitting various branches on the way down. He struggled to grab something before he hit the ground. He never grabbed anything, but he never hit the ground either...

He tried to take a breath when he stopped falling, but couldn't. His lungs started burning shortly after he realized what was going on. His gloved hands gripped onto the wire around his neck, hoping to pull it loose. He tried reaching for the branch above him. Nothing worked. The redhead was stuck and he knew it. 

Silver struggled, hoping that it would come loose with a little bit of swinging. Tears fell from his eyes as the pain was too much. He wanted to scream for help, but nothing escaped his throat. 

"M-Maybe someone's nearby..." He thought. 

"Silver? I-It'll be alright Silv, just hang in there!" A voice was heard. It's been so long since Silver heard that voice, he nearly forgot about it...

Looking up, the redhead could barely make out a person. His vision was blurry, but he could still tell who it was. 

"G-Gold?" Silver stopped struggling. 

"Please don't look at me like that, I hate how I can't help you...but i-it'll be ok soon...I promise..." 

The longer he hung there, the faster Gold's image was becoming clear. 

"I-It hurts Gold...make it stop, please, help me...it hurts!" Darkness was slowly taking over his vision. 

"It's gonna be ok! Just a little longer and you won't feel the pain anymore..." Silver could see a small smile on the other boys face before everything went dark. 

"...lver...Si...r....Silv.....Silver....." Silver opened his eyes, and saw the forest he was in. His neck burned and itched, his head ached, and his chest felt heavy. He was laying on a thick branch, with large, golden eyes staring down at him. 


"Gold...?" Silver croaked, and coughed a little to clear his throat. 

As soon as the ex-corporal sat up, Gold threw his arms around him and cried. "I hated watching that but I couldn't do anything, I'm so sorry!"

"What...?" He was confused until he looked down, seeing a body hanging from the branch, tear stained cheeks and closed eyes. 

"It hurt to see you in so much pain but hey...we're together again..." Gold smiled, trying to lighten the mood.


"I know...it's a lot to sink in...but yes..."

"This isn't a dream?"

"No...I'm so--"

Gold's apology was interrupted by lips suddenly pressing against his. He was shocked, but kissed back rather quickly. Gold was the first to pull away, with that grin Silver thought he'd never see again.

"Hey Silver, you didn't miss me, did you?" 

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