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"Rebecca?" A light shines in my eyes, and I have a headache from all the showtoons. "Rebecca, we're here." Blake whispered. I opened my sore eyes, "Where?" I asked.

"New York." He said with a slight smile. My eyes widened, I scanned my surroundings. City lights were shining in my eyes, buildings towered over me.

"Wow." Was all I could say.
"I know it's beautiful." He said under his breath. "Why are we here?" I asked, he hesataited to answer, but just gave a smile in response.
We drove hours just to get here, and I'm sure my parents have already arrived to a empty house.

"Aren't you excited?" He asked. I nodded nervously, "You don't seem excited, more like worried." He pointed out. I took a gulp, "You should be worried, we left everything behind, we left our friends, our family--" "Rebecca, everything is going to be okay." He assured me. He held my hand, "It's okay..." He repeated. I smiled, and rested my head on his shoulder.

It was going to be okay...


We stopped at a gas station, Blake had to use the bathroom. So I waited in the car, I repeatedly tapped my foot non-stop. Until I heard a frightened scream, my ears perked up. "Someone please help!" A female voice screamed.

I tapped my foot faster, not knowing what to do. Maybe I can call the cops? I started taking out my phone, but I stopped. They won't come here in time...

I unbuckled my seatbelt, and unlocked the door. "Stop!" I yelled, the female faced me with frightened eyes, while the guy had a knife to her neck.
I came closer, "Don't get near me, or else she dies." He threatened.

"Oh, you wouldn't want to do that..." I say.

I step a little closer, "Don't come any closer." He yelled.

I ran towards him in full speed, he dropped the knife, and let his grip go.
I punched him, and he fell to the ground. He was about to reach the knife, but I kicked it away. The girl ran away down into the street, not a single car stopped.

"Rebecca?" I turned around, and saw Blake with a brown bag in his hand.
I turned away, and faced the masked stranger, and kicked him once more. And walked back to the car, while Blake followed from behind.
I slouched down into my seat, and lowered my head. "Rebecca, maybe we should have talked to Claire--"
"Or maybe we should just go to a reststop." I suggested.
"Because I'm getting kinda tired?" I added changing the subject rather quickly.

He rolled his eyes, and began to drive, as I relaxed into my seat. I didn't want to argue with him. I just wanted to sleep into a comfy bed, and wait till tomorrow comes.

"Where are we headed to?" I asked. He scrunched up his nose, "Where are we staying?" I asked once more.
"I don't know..." He muttered to himself. "WHAT!?" I yelled.
"Calm down." He said.

"How do you expect to stay clam?!" I yelled.

"Look, maybe we can rent a motel for a couple nights." He said, trying to calm me down. "It's our only solution." He added.

"Okay..." I gave in, and stared off outside. Watching the lights glistening, and cars pass by.

Blake turned up the radio, as we went through the night.


We stopped a motel, and went inside.
"Hey you look tired, I could get the room and you can just wait over there." Blake said. I nodded, and rubbed my eyes. I went to sit in a chair, and rested my eyes.

"Um--are you okay?" I sat up straight, and opened my eyes. "Uh yeah, I'm just tired." I say.

I rubbed my eyes once more, and grabbed my glasses from out of my pocket. Now that my vision is clear, I see the person that was talking.
He had slick black hair, and a chin dimple. He was wearing a muscle shirt, with a leather jacket, and a pair of black jeans. He had blue piercing eyes, and a great smile.

"Oh long night?" He asked.
I nodded, "Are you here alone?" He questioned. "Actually no, I have a friend over there getting us a room. And if you don't leave I might as well make you." I say, very irritated.

"Like you can do that." He says, taking a seat next to me. "Oh you don't know what I'm capable of..." I say.
"Oh don't flatter me." He said.
I cocked an eyebrow.
"Want to see me try?" I say, standing up.

"Um--Rebecca?" Blake said, interrupting. "Who's your new friend?"

Now my attention was on him.
"I actually don--". "The names Leo, Leo Harris." He cuts in, he holds put his hand. But Blake hesataits to shake it, but he goes along with it.
"Blake Addams." He greets, "And Rebecca Walters." I say, not with a smile.

Blake clears his throat
"Um--well Rebecca our room is ready..." He says.

"Okay, then Bye Leo." I say.
"Bye angry lady." He says, turning away. I scoff at him, and grab Blake's hand. He leads me into our room.

And I only see one bed.
"I thought you were getting two beds?" I asked. "There were any left..." He says, taking off his shoes.
"Well I guess I could sleep on the floor." I say, as I unzip my jacket.

"No, I will sleep on the floor." He says.
"No, it's okay--" " I insist." He said.
"Okay." I kick off my shoes, and jump onto the bed.

I hand him a pillow, and a extra sheet.
"Thanks." He nods.

"Lights out." I switch off the light, and place my head on my pillow.


I kept tossing and turning, I just couldn't sleep. I faced the ceiling, staring at the fan that was slowly moving. "Blake?" I asked, but all I kept thinking was that I was just speaking into the darkness.

"Rebecca?" He said.

"Are you worried?" I ask.

"A little...but Don't you think we're old enough to take care of ourselves?" He says.

"Yes, but we left everything and everyone behind." I say.

"But we have each other..." He says.

I smile, and I know he can't see it.
"And that's all I need..."

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