Chapter 5

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An hour later Scourge walked down to the meeting room where Bruce, Steve, Natasha, and Fury were waiting on her. Fury gave her a glare but she ignored it and sat down in the back of the room and took out a knife to start sharpening it.

            “Scourge put that away this is serious.” Fury ordered.

            She didn’t look up. “Just because I’m not looking at you doesn’t mean I can’t hear you.”

            “Put the knife away.”

            She slowly looked up at him and smiled even though he couldn’t see it. “You want me to put it away? Then come make me.”

            “We don’t have time for this!”

            The others started glancing at each other and Bruce got a nervous look on his face. “Then by all means don’t let me distract you from giving a boring lecture.”

            Natasha just motioned for Fury to continue. After casting one last glare towards Scourge he gave in. “As you know I have called you here to take back the tesseract. Loki has taken it and planned to use it for his own evil uses and we can’t let that happen. Dr. Banner has come to locate the cube and the rest of you can take it back.”

            Scourge cleared her throat. “I thought this speech was for everyone? Where’s Stark?”

            Another glare was sent towards her, if looks could kill she would’ve died long ago. “Mr. Stark will be joining us shortly and I’m sure Coulson has already given him the same speech I am now giving you. Now if that’s all-”

            “Actually I have another question.” Scourge interrupted. “Can I just leave? I get it, we’re here to get back the tesseract from a really bad Asgardian.”

            “No you may not leave.” Fury narrowed his eye at her. “As I was saying. Once Banner locates where Loki’s at the rest of you will go to him and capture him for interrogation. I also want to remind you not to touch the cube with your bare hands, it could kill you.”

            Now Natasha cut him off. “What about Barton? We can’t just kill him.”

            “You will if needed.”

            “He was my mentor!” Scourge shouted. “We can’t just kill him! You said he was under Loki’s control so why should we kill him for what he’s doing?”

            “Because it could come down to your life or his, success in the mission and his death.” Fury growled, as he got tired of their interruptions.

            Scourge went silent and Fury continued to talk to them about the reason they were there, when she got up and walked out he ether didn’t notice or just didn’t care what she did anymore. She walked down to the training room and picked up a bow, despite being trained by Hawkeye, Scourge didn’t really enjoy using the bow. She preferred knifes and wits compared to anything else. Her philosophy was that even if your enemy was stronger than you, as long as you could out smart them they couldn’t win. Scourge took aim at the target across the room and drew back until the arrow released on its own, it wasn’t a bull’s-eye but it was close. For the rest of that day Scourge spent her time training, eating lunch, more training, and relaxing in her room while listening to her music at its maximum volume just so she could see how long it took Fury to ether lose his hearing or come in and yell at her. That night she fell asleep reading about Norse mythology so she was better prepared to avoid Loki’s attacks. 

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