Chapter 8

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“Agent get up!” Coulson shouted as he knocked on Scourge’s door.

            Just because he’s like a father to me doesn’t mean I want him to wake me up every morning like a child. Scourge sat up and looked at her alarm clock; it was still two hours before the alarm she sat would go off. “Phil why are you waking me up two hours early?”

            “Emergency meeting, Thor has more information for us.”

            At that moment she despised the muscular Asgardian, all she wanted to do was rest. Getting ready she could really feel how injured and bruised up she really was, she put up her hood and activated her voice disguiser before hurrying to the meeting room where the others were already sitting around.

            “You’re late Scourge.” Fury glared at her with his eye.

            “I’ll stab your remaining eye out.” Scourge half-heartedly threatened.

            Tony smirked. “Looks like someone’s not a morning person.”

            And someone’s not going to be a living person. She thought but held her tongue, they were here for a meeting and Fury wasn’t afraid to punish her if the need arose.

            “As I was saying.” Fury spoke up. “Thor has informed me that he is Asgardian like Loki and has a family connection to him.”

            “He’s my brother.” Thor replied.

            “One that killed eighty people in two days.” Nat arched her eyebrow.

            “He’s adopted.” Thor clarified.

            “How do we know we can trust Thor?” Scourge spoke up.

            “He is here to help us capture Loki and get back the tesseract.” Fury said.

            Scourge leaned back in her chair and examined Thor before deciding he was telling the truth. “Well is there anything else to this meeting or can I go?”

            “Dr. Banner do you have anything to tell us about Loki’s scepter or location of the cube?”

            “Not yet.” Bruce shook his head. “But I think I’m close to finding it, the readings keep getting stronger.”

            Steve glanced towards him. “Is that necessarily a good thing?”

            “I think so.” Tony voiced. “If it’s getting closer then we can get all of this over with.”

            “Great well I’ll just be going back to sleep now.” Scourge got up and started walking away but Coulson motioned for her to sit back down.

            “We might have some good information but Loki might be able to tell us more.” Coulson glanced between Natasha and Scourge. “So who wants to ask him?”

            “I will.” Scourge offered quickly. “I know how to get information out of people.”

            “I have more experience.” Natasha reasoned.

            Scourge turned and fixed a chilling glare on her; Nat could feel the daggers behind it and went silent. “I’m going to go first. Loki is the reason I have to work with Stark and I intend to make him pay.”

            Tony gave her a shocked and confused look while Coulson cleared his throat. “Well then I’ll take you to him.”

            “Be careful.” Thor warned. “Loki can manipulate you with any weakness you may have. Do not give him that power.”

            “I know what I’m doing.” Scourge growled. “Once he deals with me he won’t want to ever come near this place again.”

            Fury gave her a slightly distrustful look. “If you get out of hand I will take you out.”

            “Me, out of hand?” She grinned sarcastically. “Unlikely.”

            Coulson led her down the familiar hallways until they reached a door with two guards in front of it. They moved out of the way before unlocking it; Coulson turned to face her with his stern fatherly look. “Be careful.”

            “Don’t worry. I’m not that little girl you rescued off the streets.” She smiled at him before going into the room where Loki was being held.

Hey I changed the cover hope you like it!

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