Part 2

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Civil War and Commonwealth

He served as an officer in various naval ships in the 1630s but when the Civil War started he retired from the navy, and withdrew with his family to Jersey.

He subsequently returned to aid the projects of the royalists but then went back to Jersey to succeeded his uncle as Bailiff, holding the office for eight years. After subduing the Parliamentary party in the island, he was commissioned (1644) a vice-admiral of Jersey and "the maritime parts adjacent", and by virtue of that office he carried on an active privateering campaign in the Royalist cause. Parliament branded him as a pirate and excluded him specifically from future amnesty. His rule in Jersey was severe, but profitable to the island; he developed its resources and made it a refuge for Royalists, among whom in 1646 and again in 1649-1650 was Prince Charles, who created Carteret a knight and baronet.

George Carteret also had Charles proclaimed King in Saint Helier on 17 February 1649, after the execution of his father, Charles I. Charles II never forgot that Jersey became the first of his realms to recognise his claim to the throne.

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