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Sitting idly in the huge house alone, Zynah felt extremely bored, as usual. She had slowly learned to adapt to the boredom. She smiled sadly as she continued to stare into space. Memories of the past suddenly invaded her mind again.

Before Zynah could react, she was yanked back forcefully and when she was turned around, a tight slap met her face. "Subhan'Allah! How dare you act so indecently in front of my house?" He asked, his voice quivering from anger.

She gasped and her hand flew involuntarily to her mouth. "Dad... I— I can explain. He...he was just leaving." She turned to him. "Please leave." She pleaded as tears prickled her eyes. She could only imagine what her father was thinking of her now — what a compromising situation he had sighted her!

"Why shou—" he started to talk, but was immediately interrupted by Zynah.

"Please." She repeated as a lone tear escaped her eyes. She didn't utter too much words, but she was sure her eyes conveyed the messages her lips couldn't. She was speaking to him through her eyes and hope he would comply. He had to.

With one last menacing look at her father, he turned around and walked away in an apoplectic manner.

"Dad—" before she could finish what she had to say, he seized her wrist a little bit aggressively and practically dragged her into the house. "Dad please listen to me. I didn't know he was holding my hand. I —"

"Quiet!" He hurled. "You didn't know he came here either, right?" He asked sarcastically. "It seems you've forgotten what I said the last time. I will have to remind you then."

"What are you doing? Please let go of her." Her mum appeared from nowhere and begged, making the both of them avert their gazes to her.

"Just stay out of this, Hafsa. I don't want you taking her side now. This isn't the time to do that." He warned and continued dragging her towards her room. "From now henceforth, you are not allowed out of this room and if you ever leave this house without my permission..." He trailed off. "Don't test me. You haven't witnessed my wrath yet and I pray you never. You won't like me." He finished and slammed the door. Hard.

Zynah flinched. She could hear him locking the door with a key and the sound of his footsteps retreating.  She couldn't keep her emotions in anymore and burst into tears. Her dad was disappointed in her for the very first time since her existence – the thought alone shattered her heart. She could take anyone's disappointment, but not her parents'. She felt like slapping herself until she was numb, but she knew better than to do that. She knew her dad well – he would never be able to stay angry at her for a very long time. He loved her too much. Maybe even more than how he loved his other kids. She managed to smile a little as the thought brought a tad bit of comfort to her.

"Zynah! What happened? What did you do to make your dad that angry?" Her mum asked from the other side of the door.

"Mom..." She cried and moved closer to the door. "Mom, please talk to my dad on my behalf. Tell him how sorry I am." She pleaded amidst tears. She couldn't take his anger towards her. She was not used to it at all. It was a foreign feeling to he; she couldn't bear it anymore.

"I'm asking you right now; what did you do wrong?" She asked again for the umpteenth time.

"I... I met up with Bilal." She confessed with her head hung low in embarrassment and regret. What she wanted last for to break her parents' hearts, but it wasn't entirely her fault. She didn't know about his visit until he arrived right inside the compound.

Behind A Smile ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz