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  "What in the world do you think you're doing?" Zynah shrieked, her heart hammering frantically against her chest. The amount of blood oozing out from the fresh cut made her dizzy.

  "Exactly what you see." She smirked and within few seconds, her face scrunched up in pain. "Bilal!!" She bellowed. "Please save me!"

  The sound of Bilal's heavy footsteps sent shivers down Zynah's spine. Bilal appeared in the doorway, a whirlwind of concern. His gaze darted towards his wife first, taking in her trembling form, before averting to his sister. His eyes widened when he saw her bleeding arm. "What the hell is going on here?" He boomed; his brows tightening.

  Silence, thick and suffocating hung in the air.

  "Will someone give me an answer immediately?What's happening?" He moved closer to Nazmeera and grabbed a hold of her hand. "How did you get injured, Nazmeera?"

  Whimpering, Nazmeera spoke. "It's nothing, Bilal... I don't want you to get mad at —"

  "Nothing?" he roared. "You're bleeding! This is not nothing. Tell me quickly!"


  Nazmeera was cut off by Jameel. "Did she do this to you?" He spat, pointing an accusative finger at Zynah.

  "Please just let it go, Bilal." she pleaded mockingly. "I'm sure she didn't mean to—" before she could finish her lies, the back of Bilal's hand connected with Zynah's cheek, making it swerve to the side.

The impact of his callused palm sent a wave of pain through Zynah's head, blurring her vision.

  Nazmeera's head tilted, a triumphant smile spreading across her face, but she wasn't done yet. "Bilal!" she yelled, pulling him back from Zynah. "What are you doing? Why did you slap her? She couldn't have possibly done that on purpose..." She trailed off, letting the implication hang in the air.

  "Of course she did." Jameel narrowed his eyes at Zynah. "She definitely did it on purpose, because she has a motive. Don't even try to defend her!"

  Zynah who couldn't even defend herself, fought so hard to suppress her emotions. Like always. Weakness was a luxury she couldn't afford, especially not in front of her tormentors. She'd rather die.

  "Please, forgive her already. She must have felt bad when you asked her to cook for me," Nazmeera said, faking empathy. "but violence isn't always the answer. She shouldn't have done this to me. I forgive her though. You should too."

  Gritting his teeth, Bilal turned to Zynah. "I have told you this before and I'm going to say it again; if you ever disrespect my sister or hurt her again, you're going to get much more than a slap across the face." With that been said, he stormed out of the kitchen with Nazmeera trailed behind him like a shadow.

  Zynah stood alone, the weight of Jameel's words and Nazmeera's action crushing her spirit. She swallowed a painful lump that formed in her throat. Things were getting worse for her with each passing day. Jameel was becoming more monstrous by the day. Was there no room for peace and quiet in her life? How much more abuse could she tolerate before she crumbled? These questions hunted her daily. She did not want to admit it, but she was close to giving up. A miracle was all that stood between her and complete surrender.


  Hours turned into days, each one a fresh assault on Zynah's spirit. Nazmeera made Zynah's life a living hell in her own matrimonial home. Treated worse than a servant, Zynah became Nazmeera's beck and call girl. Worse still, she fed Jameel with all sort of lies about her, making him mistreat her even more. It even got to a point when he accused her of being a curse to his life. As much as she didn't want his words to get to her, they did. The same man she had fought so hard to be with, was the same person telling her those hurtful and demeaning words.

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