Chapter Four --Jez

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Sighing, I walked to the door and stood on my toes to peek through the peephole. On the other side stood Asher dressed like his normal Rockstar self. The portion of myself that would admit to appreciating any aspect of him was somewhat disappointed. Glasses-Asher was easier to deal with.

I unlocked the door without saying anything and waved him in. After, I turned down the music and set my wine glass to the side.

"You have thirty minutes." I made sure to keep my tone all business as I crossed my arms and stood up straight, making myself seem taller.


I lofted a brow. "I'm kicking you out at ten-twenty."

He rubbed the back of his neck and looked so lost for a moment. This was unfamiliar territory for him.

"You said you wanted to talk to me about leaking some material before the album launches." I gestured, trying to help him along. "Might want to get on with that shit." I perched on the arm of the couch and crossed my legs.

He nodded and looked around. "Do you have anything to drink?"

"There's bottled water in the fridge."

He disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a water. At first, he didn't uncap it, he just held it in his hands. Just looking at him I could tell the reason he tried to set up the meeting was a lie. There was a bright neon sign flashing over his head that practically said DO NOT TOUCH, but I'd never been good at ultimatums.

"I've put some solo stuff together, recorded it at home and mixed it. The guys don't think it has the right vibe for the band. So, I figured I could drop it solo online and generate some buzz."

"All right. I assume you have the tracks with you?"

"Mhm. Does your stereo do Bluetooth?"

"Yeah. It's super easy to pair."

He hit a few buttons on his phone. "Oh, there it is." A few seconds later the music I was playing cut out and his voice came over the surround sound. His soft, breathy, crooning tenor made the hair on the back of my neck stand up in a good way. Right off the bat, I knew why they vetoed the song—it was explicit. The lyrics left nothing to the imagination, and on top of that, it was cleaner and more polished than their normal sound. If he was expecting me to blush, he'd miscalculated drastically. I did, however, grab my glass of wine and take a quick swig when the four songs finished.

Immediately my brain went into full maximum exposure mode. "Okay, we release them two, three, one, four since the guys are okay with it. I also suggest contacting someone at your label—they'll want the first bite. I'll generate some buzz, and we'll leak them strategically." I took another sip of my wine, and he stood there gaping at me like he expected another outcome entirely. "Was there something else?" I smirked at him. Oh, I could watch him twist all day. There was something deep inside of me that loved knowing the effect I had on him and that he was so far out of his depth with me.

"Not going to say anything about the lyrics?" He swallowed.

"Nope. Sex sells. So you fantasize about tying some chick up. Want a cookie?" I giggled, and he blushed and wet his lips.

He unpaired his phone and my playlist popped back on—with that damn song of his. Our eyes locked as the opening bars of 'Should have told you' streamed over the speakers.

"Can we talk about something not business related?" He asked with a voice that barely broke over the music.

It was my turn to purse my lips. "Sure." I crossed into my kitchen and poured another glass of wine.

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