Chapter Seven -- Asher

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I couldn't pinpoint when it exactly happened, but my brain stopped functioning. Oh, I knew all the important shit, but Jez and the prospect of her touching me became the very center of my universe. As we walked into my bedroom that was all that mattered; the fact that I was naked and she was going to touch me. Before she crossed over the threshold, I pulled out the contract from the top of the dresser and signed it.

Without pausing, she walked over to the end of the bed and sat down, crossing her legs before balancing the riding crop over her knee. I knelt for her like I had expected that girl to kneel for me whose name I couldn't remember— at that moment there was only Jez. I held the contract out to her, and she took it. Those dark eyes were unreadable as she looked down at the paper. I wanted her to handcuff me again, to be restricted as she used me as she pleased.

That sensation still itched inside of me, even just from being on my knees. I silently argued with myself as she remained silent, appraising me as I pressed my palms to my thighs despite the gentle throb of my split and sore knuckles vying it out for attention over the ache in my cock and balls.

She said she wanted to tame you. Why don't you show her that you can't be tamed? Aren't I tamed? Look at her, why wouldn't I let her do whatever she wanted to me?

I dug my nails into my thighs until it hurt just enough to distract me.

"The cuffs are in the nightstand." I didn't know if I could speak, but I did anyway, she seemed to like to talk.

"What did you do that first night with your little sub?" Her brow arched and I caught the edge of anger in her voice.

"I made her come with just the riding crop." The memory was hazy and vague, but it was still enough to make my dick jump. However, the woman who came to mind writhing in ecstasy wasn't...whatever-her-name-was. The only woman's body and moans that managed to surface were Jez's.

"This riding crop?" She twirled the little slip of leather at the crop's end around my left nipple before flicking it. I jumped more from the noise than the pain. I liked the bite.


Jez threw the crop out of the room, it smacked into the wall with a hard thud before it proceeded to roll down the stairs.

"And those cuffs you have? Did you use them on her as well?"

"No. They're new." I wet my lips and smiled. "I didn't have a pair, and I thought it would be nice to have one here since you like to use them."

She caught my lips in a rough little kiss, using her tongue as much as her teeth, adding my mouth to the growing list of body parts that were tingling and swollen because of her.

"That was very thoughtful of you." She brushed the tip of her nose along my bridge.

"Would you like me to get them?"

"No, not yet." She pointed her toes, and her heels slipped off, the first article of clothing she'd removed since entering my house. I'd never been so happy to see someone take their shoes off. "We're going to play a few games first, and if you win..." she drew a slow breath and stood. "You'll be rewarded."

Thoughts of what the reward could be flashed before my eyes. One of which was surprisingly enough, vanilla sex with her. I wanted to hold her and run my hands over her body. Her naming touching as off-limits damn near turned her body into a holy relic to me.

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