Chapter 16

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Aspen's POV

I wiped away my tears and sighed, listening to Logan sing.  I love him..that's why it hurt me so much. Gasping, I sat up. I trudged to the door and opened it. He smiled up at me then sighed, "Oh baby..I'm so sorry for hurting you. I should've never encouraged her." I sniffed, "You didn't encourage her. You just didn't say anything. You looked at her like she was some sort of goddess." I wrinkled my nose, blinking back tears. He stood and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and let my silent tears soak his hoodie. He lifted me up, bridal style and laid me back on my bed. "She was no where near as stunning as you. I'm really sorry." I kissed his cheek and nodded, "I'm sorry too...Do you think your family will be happy if we come over for dinner?" Logan blinked then grinned slowly, "Why don't we just go now? Then we can help Mom cook." I bit my lip nervously and nodded. "Alright."
"Hey. Don't stress. She loves you already." I nodded, "Easier said than done." I linked my hand into Logan's and followed him back into his car. "Ok so your mom's name is Linda..your dad's name is Greg and Crystal is your little sister.. Anyone else I should know about?" I glanced at Logan who chuckled and took my hand, "Nope. You will be're so cute when you're nervous." I rolled my eyes and mumbled,"I just know I'm gonna mess something up." Finally, we reached Logan's house and I jumped out the jeep. Logan gripped my hand and we walked to the door. He opened it up and called, "Mom! Dad! I'm home. I brought someone." "In the kitchen." A woman's voice, Linda called back. Logan grinned and I ambled behind him, admiring their home. A tall, beautiful woman with long, brown hair smiled at us and I shyly smiled back. "Oh my goodness!!! You must be Aspen!" I laughed and nodded, "Hi Mrs. Allen."
"Oh! Please call me Linda. After all we are family now." She smiled, eyes on my belly. I gently laid a hand on it and nodded, "I guess we are." Logan rubbed my hand reassuringly and spoke, "Where's Dad and Crys?" Linda narrowed her eyes, thinking while mixing the tomato sauce in the pot. "Your dad isn't home just yet and Crys should be in her room." Logan nodded and tugged on my hand. I followed slowly. "Slow down baby. I'm really tired." I mumbled and he quickly stopped, "Oh I'm so sorry. Is it the baby? Is Peanut ok?" I nodded, breathing deeply. "Peanut is ok." We finally got up the stairs and knocked on the door. A little girl about 7 answered and grinned, jumping into Logan's arms. "Logan! Your home!" Logan chuckled and hugged her back, "You saw me yesterday Crys."
"Yeah but it's not the same." Logan grinned and nodded to me, "Anyways, this is Aspen." Crystal looked at me and I could see the resemblance right away. She had her mom's long, brown hair and Logan's beautiful eyes. I smiled and stuck my hand out, "Hello." She squealed and jumped into my arms, "I've always wanted a sister!" Laughing, I struggled to regain my footing. "Oh really?" She let go of me just a little and nodded rapidly. Logan laughed and tugged her back, "You don't want to hurt the baby." Crystal's eyes widened and she let go of me, pressing a hand onto my stomach, "Hello baby." She whispered. Throwing a look at Logan, I ran my hand through her hair, "You won't hurt the baby." Crystal looked up at me with a grin and took off. Running down the stairs, screaming. "Mom! Mommy! I touched the baby's house!" Logan laughed and gently pulled me into his arms, " only have to meet Dad." I signed and lay my head on his chest, "One more to go. I love your mom and Crystal Logan. They are so nice. And Crystal...Crystal is the little sister I never had." I wiped away a stray tear and sniffed. Logan kissed my forehead and tightened his hold on me. I sighed happily, "We should go your mom and Crystal or something. I don't want her to think I'm lazy or something." Logan took my hand and laughed, walking towards the stairs, "They would never. They already love you and they don't want anything to happen to the baby." I shook my head and followed him.
When we got back into the kitchen, I smiled at Linda. "What can I do to help?" Linda smiled warmly and gestured for me to come, "You are a guest. A family guest so you help after dinner and you could let me touch your belly..if you don't mind too much." I hurried over and shook my head, "No! Of course not. I'm sure Peanut loves all the attention." She lay her hands gently on my stomach and rubbed. She wiped away a tear and smiled at me, "Thank you. For being so kind and making my son feel happy again." I blushed and hugged Linda. "Thank you for loving my baby and liking me. And I promise to love your son." Linda smiled as we parted, "I know you will." The doorbell sounded and I flinched, I hated loud noises. "Greg must be home. Go into the dining room honey. Dinner is ready." I nodded, inhaling the spicy, pasta aromas. Logan patted the seat beside him and I kissed his cheek. I sat down and looked at all the food, "I'm so hungry." Logan frowned, "You should've told me earlier. I would've got you something to eat." I shook my head, "No. Peanut could wait besides I wanted to be able to eat lots of your mom's food." Logan chuckled and we waited for Greg and Linda. Crystal started chattering away about school and I listened. Finally, they came in and sat down. Greg smiled at me and immediately I could tell where Logan got his looks and grin. I smiled back at him, "Hello Mr. Allen. I'm Aspen, Logan's girlfriend and..mother of his child." He smiled and shook my hand, "I am Greg." Linda smiled and glanced at her kids, "Let's say grace." We all bowed our heads as Greg began to pray. Everyone opened their eyes and I sat back as Logan began to serve himself. I listened to the chatter and laughter and smiled. This is the perfect family for Peanut to grow in. Everyone is so nice..I hope Logan is the father. Nervously, I looked at Logan who nodded encouragingly. Sighing,  I spoke, standing. "I know after this you all will probably hate me...but I don't know if Logan is the baby's father."

Hehehehehe so she met Logan's family. A good sign and she told them that she isn't sure about the father. What will Logan's family do? Will they hate her like Aspen thinks? Not much drama other then apologizing for ogling the doctor. Was the doctor right to do that? Anyways sorry it's late! I've been studying for exams. Read, comment and vote my lovelies!💕❤💕💓💖💗

xoxo writing_princess16

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