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With the Heavenly Awards 2018 officially over, I had the chance to interview the amazing @NightElflady. Her novel, "Sauren - The Twisted Blade", was crowned the winner of this year's awards. 


1. Firstly, congratulations on being the winner of the Heavenly Awards 2018! How did you feel when you found out that you'd won?

Thank you and I wish to express my appreciation to all involved in the Heavenly Awards for this honour. I was positively euphoric! I'm still doing happy little dances around my living room. 'Sauren' is very important to me, I have become absorbed within it and I am truly delighted that is was seen worthy of winning.

2. Did you think you might win, or was it a total surprise?

We all have to believe in our writing, otherwise why would we submit our stories for that chance of glory? Having said that, I never take it for granted that I will be chosen as a winner. There are so many amazing authors out there (adroitly, your contest demonstrated this) and to be part of such a creative community is very humbling. To win, is always a surprise and utterly joyful.

3. Have you won any other awards in the past?

Yes, in fact as recently as last month one of my short stories, 'Wildfire', won 1st Place and Sauren came in 3rd in its category in the Winter Rose Awards. Other awards have been bestowed upon some of my fanfiction series 'The Khadgar & Sarah Chronicles' of which 3 of the books were given winning places. My paranormal effort 'The Woman Annelida' also snatched a win. They are all listed on my profile. I have been very fortunate.

4. What was your inspiration for your winning work, "Sauren – The Twisted Blade"?

I had originally created him in 'Rogue Firefury' and as I was writing him, I realised he had an interesting back-story – he had potential. He could be vile, yes, but I rather fell in love with him for I knew his vulnerabilities, his weaknesses as well as his strengths and all which had moulded him into being the character most people loved to hate. He was a challenge and I picked up the gauntlet and ran with it.

5. How long have you been writing for?

I have dabbled since I was a child – many moons ago! I think my parents grew a little weary of buying jotters on a fairly regular basis for me [laughs] which I would then sit and fill from cover to cover with my stories. I took a couple of writing courses, one I managed to achieve a 'Diploma' in, the other I had to put aside as family became my focus. It still sits unfinished, gathering dust, I'm afraid.

6. Why did you decide to start writing on Wattpad?

My daughters encouraged me. They themselves write (fanfiction) and they suggested one day that I join the site and do likewise. My writing debut on the site was World of Warcraft based fanfiction (I have been a player for nigh on 14 years now). It was only intended to be for 1, maybe 2 stories maximum before I started posting my original works, but it grew arms and legs and before I knew it, I had a series done.

7. Do you have any advice to give to aspiring authors?I can only say let your creativity flow. Write like there is no tomorrow – you can always edit – and re-edit later. Take inspiration from what/who/where ever you find it and revel in the magic of words. Be observant; take notes of anything which may be used in the art of story-telling. But most of all ENJOY what you do.

The Heavenly Awards 2018 [CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now