Panic attacks

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-These events are occurring after IW, and when Tony had brought them all back-

%Warnings of panic attacks! Don't read of it will effect you in any way!%

"Peter would you hand over the screw driver?" Tony asked holding his hand out expectantly,

It was Wednesday, Peter preferably calls it the "lab day" for obvious reasons. He also goes to the lab on Friday, but Friday is already an awesome day so he found no point in changing it.

"Sure Mr.Stark," Peter responds while plopping the cool metal to the open palm, Tony's hand immediately closed around it and brought it to the screw that needed to be fixed.

But today was more than just a lab day, it was Mr.Starks birthday. Peter had already planned everything, he had ordered about 5 pounds of glitter and confetti that would be realesed into the air on command, he had installed a bunch of balloons in the air shafts to blow themselves up and float around the air, and he had convinced the rest of the avengers to plan another surprise party. So when Tony thought it was all over...BOOM! Another five pounds of confetti and glitter in his face.

"Peter, you're awfully quiet today. What's on your mind?" Tony asked while squinting his eyes in concentration at the task before him.

Peters mind snapped back to the present, shaking his head in an attempt to clear out his thoughts. He put on a smile and looked at his mentor.

"Just thinking about my algebra test tomorrow,"

"That's all?" Tony asked again, Peter couldn't help but pick up the small hint of disappointment in his voice, but peter couldn't back down now. So he kept going.


Tony nodded and continued his project, which Peter couldn't identify. He'd have to ask Tony about it later.

Peters pocket buzzed and he spared a glance at Tony before pulling out phone and reading the message from Steve saying that the party upstairs was ready.

Peter smiled while typing a quick message in reply before stuffing his phone back into his pocket and turning to Tony.

"Actually, I have something else on my mind."

Tony turned to Peter again, an eyebrow raised prompting Peter to continue.

"Today feels different, more special. Would you know why?"

Tony looked more confused than ever, but nonetheless answered Peter to the best of his ability.

"Ugh, no?"

"Are you sure?"

"Pretty positive kid, unless you know something I don't."

Peter nodded his head, still not breaking eye contact.

"No no, I think you know." peter rambled back while adjusting his grip on a hand held button.

Tony stared at Peter for a long while before answering,

"Kid what-"

"Happy Birthday!" Peter screams while slamming his thumb down on the button. The reaction is almost immediate

Balloons are flying out of the vents, FRIDAY started playing the birthday song while confetti blasted out of the small machines peter had stealhitly implanted all around the room.

Meanwhile Tony had fell to the floor in response, his face contorted from scared to amused and happy. Suddenly, he was laughing, Peters grin grew and he held out a hand to Tony who took it.

"You little shit, almost killed me. you know I have a heart condition."

Peter just grinned,

"Mr.Stark this isn't even the best part!"

and almost of cue, glitter joined the chaos.

Peter watched as the small red and gold specks softly floated down to the floor in a similar fashsion of which peter, to his horror, remembers to vividly.

he watched as the small dust like decorations settled on every object in the room, he felt the glitter settle and spill off his shoulders and nose.

The glitter felt way to familiar for Peters liking, and he couldn't help but feel the incoming dread fill him.

he lifted his hands and collected some of the glitter that came from above, and to him, it was no longer red and gold but grey,

It fell from his fingers and then the pain hit him, his breaths came out fast and he was no longer in the lab with Mr.Stark but on titan, crumbling again into dust.


Peter tried to hold himself together, to stop the dust from falling off him.

He stepped forward, his arms held to his chest and his mouth open in a silent scream.

Sweat beaded down his face as he collapsed under his own weight.

He felt hands on his back


The dust still tumbled off him, clogging his nose and getting into his mouth.

The pain, the pain was so unbearable but it wasn't something Peter could escape.

"Peter! Look at me!"

Peter snapped his head up at the sudden noice and he met Mr.Starks worried face.

"Peter?" Tony asked bring his hands and cupped the child's face.

"You are here Peter, you are on earth with me, you are safe." Tony repeated bringing the boy to his chest.

Peter gasped in breaths of air as Titans scenery faded away and the dust returned to his arms.

After long minutes of Mr.Stark cradling the teen to his chest whispering reassurances. The vile taste of dust left Peters mouth, he took control of his breathing once again and just collapsed fully into Tony. Sobbing at the underlying fear the panic attack had left him with.

"Oh god peter I'm so sorry," Tony whispered into Peters curls as he tightened his grip around him.

"I'm so so sorry,"

Peters sobs died down and turned into whimpers, then silence.

Tony looked down at the boy who stared emptily at the wall, his eyes glazed over.


Peter was shaking but responded nonetheless,


"Yes, Peter, I'm right here. You're ok."

"I'm really tired Mr.Stark,"

Tony nodded knowingly,
"I'll help you to your bed,"

"But...your party" Peter whined,

"We can reschedule it,"

Tony made small moves to stand up, but stopped when peter gripped onto his shirt

"Don't leave me,"

Tony smiles at the boy,
"Wouldn't dream of it,"

I'm really upset with how this turned out, I'm sorry.

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