Theres help in every corner

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This is not edited, I'm apologizing in advance for my grammar and spelling errors, I implore you all to not point them out in the comments please.

It was in the headlines of every news reporter outlet the next morning.

It followed Ned around where ever he went, even if he just walked into his kitchen, he'd see it on his TV in the living room.

He didn't bother with school when he awoke to a notification from a news outlet he followed , for spider-man updates, pinged and showed the dreadful news he had hoped would never come.

"Spider-man, a hero's end?"

"Protector of Queens gone?"

Even the daily bungle had something to say

"Queens burdened weight finally lifted"

Ned had actually screamed in rage when reading that particular headline.

Spider-man was no menace, no villain in need of riddance. He was Peter Parker, a kind, young boy, who wanted nothing but to help the people of Queens.

Ned clawed at his hair and let the grief he felt escape his eyes and drip off his nose.

He couldn't imagine how May felt at this moment, if she already knows that is. She wasn't one to look at the news, but maybe Mr.Stark had already told her.

Ned knew for a fact that Tony knew, for the fact several news sources reported Iron-man sobbing over the disfigured body that use to resemble the hero.

Despite Spider-Man dying, no one knew his identity, Ned wondered if that was Mr.Starks doing.

He can imagine Mr.Stark with a plan on how he will play this out, but he also didn't expect him to think about it at this moment as emotions ran high.

And boy were his emotions running high, when he first heard the news he spent all of that day, and the day after, sobbing. Feeling as his sides seared with cramps and his throat gave out with the constant use of screaming his sadness for all of the neighborhood to hear.

His mother had walked in the first day and attempted to console him, but she was having such a hard time figuring out why Ned had cared so much for this anonymous hero?

The last two days he had spent at home he was utterly and terrifyingly silent. He didn't eat, didn't make any noise, or didn't express anything. His faces stayed as blank and ever as he stared down at his mother who had begged him to eat something.

Then he went to school,

And as expected was the worse thing Ned would ever hope to endure, the pain of walking through the front doors his friend absent by his side.

The whole school, or those who had cared, believed that Peter was simply sick and that he would be back soon.

Little did they know he would never step foot in this building again. The thought alone made Ned want to gag.

He had truly tried to go about his day as normal as possible to deflate any suspicion, but he just couldn't, he had to reroute his daily walk to his best friends locker so he didn't have to bare the agony of realizing that he would never sneak up behind Peter as he tried to grab his books.

He refused to sit at his and Peter's table,  ignoring MJ's ice like stare as he strode past, without so much as a glance.

Ned knew that she knew something was up, why wouldn't she? She seemed to had known everything about Peter, he would bet that she knew about his secret.

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