Chapter 39

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Clare's POV

Daemon rolled his eyes. "Clare, why would you kiss me if you didn't love me and it really is not fair to judge me because of my past. I'm sorry if I'm wasting your time."


I'm the most stupid woman on this planet. He's totally right. It is not fair to judge him because of his past.

"I do love you. It's just that I was so focused on the baby that I totally forgot about your reasons. It was like I didn't know you, but you need to see I'm stupid and I hope our child will have your genes, because it would make me sad to see my child being stupid because of me, you know?" I tried to explain things. "I love you, Mr Thompson."

He held a blank face expression. He didn't smile nor did he look angry.

"You need an award for being the most confusing woman in this world. Really. You kissed me, but then didn't know whether you loved me or not and now you say you're stupid, because you didn't understand what I had been saying the past few weeks and now you love me again." Daemon let out a big, confused and overwhelmed sigh.

That's true. Why is he still keeping up with me?

"Because I love you. You need to know that. Do you want more? I can give you whatever you want, please just realize you're my big love. By the way I'm sure you love me, because you get so desperate all the time you realize you said something stupid." Now it was his turn to chuckle exasperated.

How is that possible.

"No, I don't need more, but you deserve more." I told him with a slow smirk creeping on my face.

"What do you mean, Clare?" Daemon narrowed his dark eyes that made him look so dangerous, but also gorgeous.

"You'll see soon, Muffin, but it needs to take some time, so be patient, my love."


*Almost two weeks later*

I looked at myself in the mirror and was proud of how I looked. This would make him go crazy.

It's 11:50 pm and Daemon's birthday is in exactly ten minutes. He was currently sleeping while I was making myself ready in the bathroom for almost two hours.

My makeup consisted of dark shade of red lipstick. My eyes were covered with dark eyeshadow and an winged eyeliner. My lashes made my eyes look bigger thank the mascara I put on.

The highlight of my look is that wonderful silky dress which color was a beautiful champagne that ended a few inches above my knee. He'll be able to see a lot of cleavage.

My brown hair was curled and looked a little messy, but I know he would like that.

I slowly made my way towards the bedroom ready to wake him up in one minute now.

My mind went to the last weeks. We would talk and even cuddle sometimes, but there was always an awkward tension between us and now I'm going to fix that, because after all it was my fault that it came until there.

My heart started pounding agains my ribs until it hurt.

"Daemon, baby, wake up." I shook him softly not trying to scare him.

He groaned saying some things I couldn't understand. How cute.

"Muffin, wake up. I wanna show you something." I had to remain silent because I was about to laugh loudly when I saw him pouting. He has never done that's

Slowly, both eyes opened and widened when he saw me. Daemon quickly sat up and looked at the clock on the wall. "What happened? Are you okay? Wait, why do you look like that?"

COLDHEARTED MAFIA BOSSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang