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A sharp flash of pain sent Florence to the floor as she held onto her head in shock  trying to process what just happened to her . She remained like that for while , just sitting there and rubbing her temples hoping to relieve the pain .

" That would be the vortex manipulator for you" Estelle piped up next to her . Florence noticed her stance and wondered how she didn't seem affected by it .

" Cheap nasty time travel " She added making sure to air quote those words . Florence was going to reply when she noticed another woman come towards them , a slight jog in her run as if the pair were going to disappear , and only then did Florence realise where Estelle had taken her to .

She was in the middle of what felt like a military base , except the fact she could hear the distant roar of the ocean in the background that made her confused .

Suddenly a hand was placed in front of Florence as a sign of help . she pondered for a moment before deciding to take it she was then hoisted up from the ground by the curly woman in army uniform .

"Florence Morel - pleasure to meet you i'm River Song " The blonde woman announced with a sweet smile .

Florence could only nod profusely in return , savoring every breath she inhaled in fear of passing out .

" Yes i'm also from your future " River announced as she turned her back from Florence and started walking away , in which Estelle grabbed Florence's hand and started following River into the Pod  .

She managed one foot in front of the other as she tried  hard not to stumble upon a rock and heavily embarrass her self in front of everyone .

"Doctor ! - Father Octavian " River called which snapped Florence out of her daze .

And that's the moment she saw him again . However it was different , he was different and much younger - his suit and even the colour of his bow tie had changed . In his eyes was a sparkle of hope , much opposed to the darkness she saw within him that time in the asylum .

Next to him was a young red head to which Florence could only guess was Amy , she rather hoped to see Rory around somewhere but he was nowhere in sight .

" He's a bishop ain't that cool " Estelle nudged Florence playfully as Father Octavian made his way up towards them . The comment made Florence grin slightly .
" A bishop with a gun - ain't that something "

" 51st century Church has progressed you know" she smiled at the thought .

The trio were led into a small pod joined by the bishop , the doctor and Amy . Florence kept close to Estelle seeing as she was the only familiarity she could trust .

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