Chapter 30: Rock Stars Ride Mechanical Bulls

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Tamara spares Trace no expense. She booked me a hot stone massage, body wrap, facial, and a mani/pedi. I've been to spas before, but I have a feeling this time I'm getting the star treatment. Three hours later, I'm surprised when I'm ushered, still in my robe, into a private sauna room, where Tamara and MacKenna are reclining on the wooden risers—naked.

Tamara lifts her head. "Hey girl! Whooo—you look spa-drunk. I saw your massage therapist. No wonder!" Tamara winks and then closes her eyes again. MacKenna doesn't bother to look at me, she just lifts a hand.

"Did you have Rolfe?" she asks lazily.

"Uhhh, Yeah. He was amazing," I mumble as I hastily slip off my robe and lie down quickly. I never been in a sauna completely naked with other people before.

"Don't worry," Tamara assures me. "This room is just for the three of us."

"Rolfe was good. But I wish I had the other guy—the dark headed one." Mac sounds far away.

"Why?" Tamara asks "Rolfe a little too much like another tall, blonde, and handsome that's got your ovaries poppin' off like corn?"

MacKenna bursts into tears, rolling over onto her stomach and sobbing into her arms.

"Ahhh, shit, girlie, I'm sorry," Tamara groans and she crawls over to Mac. I sit up, find it weird to see a naked sobbing girl and her naked friend consoling her, and lay back down. Then I sit up again, reaching for my robe.

"Maybe I should go..."

"No! Wait!" Mac sobs, sitting up abruptly, hugging her knees against her chest and dropping her head, trying to get control of her sobs. "Wait," she murmurs again, grabbing Tamara's arm. Tamara and I stare at each other. We wait.

"You want to talk about it, girlie?" Tamara asks sympathetically, after about five minutes.

Mac shakes her head fiercely. "No point. Adam and I are done. Really done. No more screwing around. He needs to find a girl that wants to live in his pumpkin shell, or his ivory tower or whatever. I'm no fairy tale princess, like he wants. It's best for everybody if he and I make a clean break.I just want to keep my shit together at all times. This--" she gestures at her puffy face, "is ridiculous."

Okay, girlfriend. Your tough words are not matching the truth of your ugly cry. But I hardly know Mac, and we haven't gotten off to the best start, so no way am I callin' her out.

Tamara takes the soft route, instead.

"You sure you don't want to talk about it,?" she prods.

"Hell yes, I'm sure." Mac raises her head and wipes away sweat and tears from her face. "I...I'm sorry. For acting like a freak just now. And Kat, I owe you an apology for, you know...being so bitchy the other day. You seem really nice and I'm...god...I feel like an insane person right now. I don't usually act like this."

"It's okay. Really. I get it. Touring seems kind of...stressful."

Mac rakes her wet hair off her neck and looks at me through slightly puffy eyes. "This sauna is stressful. I think I'm going to croak from heat exhaustion. Let's go to my suite. Somehow I lucked out with the penthouse with the hot tub. I'm starving. I'll order lunch."

"Sure," Tamara says automatically. I open my mouth, but Tamara cuts me off, "Oh no, girlfriend. You don't have anywhere better to be, anyway. Your Loverboy and Bodie went for a run."

"They did? How do you know?"

"Well, according to their Instagram. The picture of Bodie flexin' that Trace posted was pretty funny."

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