Chapter 51

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"Sire, our cities...the eastern cities have fallen." A courtier stood in the greystone hall, the older man in black silk stroke his beard pensively as the nobles of the court whispered among themselves.

A young man stood out, bearing resemblance to the man on the throne, "My lord, this is an insult to our country. For a kingdom famed for our military prowess, we must not let him progress any further."

"What do you suggest, Lord Norian?" The king asked, the man straightened, "Let me ride out and meet him. I will beat the boy back to Dycathion. They must learn what it means to provoke a great kingdom." Lord Norian looked around, "Too long has that bastard been allowed to grow his power. We must destroy him before he comes any closer."

"Ironic that you call anyone a bastard, Lord Norian." A voice rang out, a boy of about ten standing beside the king said, there was a look of distain on his face, "Considering your lineage." There was a nervous titter in the court as the blood drained from Norian's face.

Everyone at court knew that Norian was King Meric's bastard son, but not many dared to state it so baldly to his face. Lord Norian's mother was Lady Celia, a powerful mage in her own right. The king looked disapprovingly at his younger son.

"Perhaps Prince Garoth would like to go in my stead?" Lord Norian asked, "After all, shouldn't it be the duty of the King's sons to defend the kingdom." He looked at the two boys who stood beside the king.

The king raised a hand, "Enough." Lord Norian bowed.

The king looked at the young boys who stood beside him and sighed, "Garoth, if you can not keep a civil tongue you may not attend these council meetings. Jasreth." The thin, older youth started and bowed clumsily, the king eyed his eldest legitimate child. He was a frail youth with pale skin and strawberry blond hair. The king sighed, "Boy, you shall go with Lord Norian and His Grace Northfang." The other man bowed.

Norian lowered his eyes as the king continued, "Lord Norian has much more experience on the battlefield than you, so listen to him at all times." The crown prince bowed.

Garoth looked at Jasreth with worry, but held his tongue.

One by one, cities to the east of the kingdom had fallen, they were no match for the ferociousness of the young Dycathion general. When Lord Norian arrived, another three cities had fallen. Refugees fled the bloodbath by droves, heading for their northern Capital. Armies were posted along the border as they civilitried to fight back the flood of terrified civilians.

When Lord Norian and the army arrived, they were not prepared to see how much they've lost. The once great country of Londaros had lost nearly one fourth of its lands.

"Kill the men who were in charge of the cities, on my orders." Lord Norian said cooly, "We must hold Pendratan."

"And we will, my lord." The Duke of Pendratan said with a confident smile, "Our river is the greatest protection, for it is a full three miles wide. There is no way he can cross an army that large without losing any of his men. As of yesterday, the bridge has been burned away. The closest way to cross a month's ride, we'll have reinforcements."

"If he has any mages..." Prince Jasreth said, frowning as he looked at the great river.

"There are not enough mages in the world to freeze the river." Lord Pendratan said confidently, "It is one of the greatest rivers in the world."

Not far from the city of Pendratan, a man with the most vivid green eyes gazed at the city in the distance. Around him the soldiers dared not breathe too loudly. They simply needed to obey. A few miles in front of them, lay a great river that roared with the anger of a dragon.

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