Chapter 63

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In the arena, the Pixies were forced back into their cages as the sixteen women donned armor.

Lady Anera stood next to Lord Norian. Her brows were furrowed as she looked at him, "What do we do now?"

Lord Norian smiled as he scanned the crowd, "What an interesting development. " He patted her head, "Kill the queen if you can, it would make our plans much easier. Once my mage arrives, there will be little to do if you assume the throne."

Anera giggled. She looked at Prince Jasreth, "Then is he needed?"

"No. But I'm keeping him in case things doesn't go as planned."

Anera leaned in and whispered softly, "My Lord, is the enchantment still working? I nearly died of fright when he spoke to Estelle."

Lord Norian winked at her, brought up his hand and pinched Prince Jasreth's arm hard. Jasreth grunted but couldn't say anything.

"A whole new spell?"Estelle asked, astonished.

"I added some extra precautions. Until I need him, he will be but deaf and mute to the world." He gave her a warm smile and then handed her something, "Go. Use this when all else fails. A family heirloom."

Anera looked down at the ball of crackling white power, her eyes widening at the sight.

"Oh my lord. It's too precious! I've only seen it described in the history books of Londaros." She held the globe close to her chest. 

"My great grandfather used it to conquer three kingdoms." 

Anera nodded, unable to tear her eyes away from it, "I know the magic by heart but never thought that I could one day use it." She curtsied, elated. With this immeasurable power by her side, she would not lose.

They waited, in full armor and regalia, for the foreign challenger. When Cybelline entered there was an audible gasp that ran through the audience. The girl had her normal clothes on, no magical protection, no physical protection.

But beneath her was a beast of a horse that seemed to have come straight out of tales of old. It was half a head taller than its competitors and it seemed much more menacing. 

"Are you insane?" Estelle asked, frowning. "Go back and wear the armor I sent you."

No, thank you. It's too heavy."

"It's to save your life. What am I going to tell your brother when you've been roasted by magic." Estelle scowled, "I'm not going to sleep with him right after your death."

Cybelline coughed and looked up towards the sky. Estelle wasn't unlikable, but she did have intentions that Cybelline wasn't quite keen to explore.

"My queen, let's not waste anymore time." Anera snapped, "If she wants to die, it's her prerogative. Scum."

Estelle was getting annoyed at this presumptuous lady. True, she had spent time as her favorite, but if this nitwit thought that favoritism allowed her to become impertinent, then Anera was going to be dead before dessert.

A gentle hand was placed on her arm, Cybelline smiled and shook her head. The smile was ice and Estelle was stunned by its beauty. She had never seen something so deadly attractive.

By the time Estelle had come back around, Cybelline had rode away.

"Gods, how can the sister be even more attractive." Estelle shook the blush from her cheeks and rode onto the field. She nodded to the Master of the Hunt who sounded the horn. Magicians raised their hands and a magical barrier rose between the competitors and the crowds so that there was no harmful magic to hit the onlookers.

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