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Ricky would be lying if he said he wasn't disappointed at what Min Jae had decided to do. Angry, even, if he truly was allowed to be honest. He didn't think it was fair to Dae Hee for his only son to not attend his funeral. Min Jae wasn't the only one hurting, everyone else who was fortunate to meet the ex-leader of the rebellion was going through what he did.

When Ricky had gone after Min Jae, he thought he had got through to the younger man.

He was proven wrong once again.

A swell of bitterness formed in his chest, enlarging as it took over his feelings.

Min Seo had looked upset as she stared at the remainder of her father's ashes, and he knew that she would have wanted her brother there with her.

He huffed a breath, running a hand through his hair as he walked down the hallway. Each stride that he took, it felt like the weight on his feet multiplied. It was hard to keep down the emotions that tried to take over his senses, from overwhelmed at the short funeral to the disappointment Min Jae was a no show.

Before he knew it, he had ended up at the rows of rooms that were used as offices and small research labs. People were going and in out of the place, and for a second, Ricky thought of turning around and leaving. But then his eyes landed on one room, closed, different from the rest that had their entrances unbarred.

He swallowed a lump that formed in his throat, knowing full well whose room he was staring at.

His feet forced his body to move and his right hand touched the cold door knob once he was close enough. When he pushed the door open, he was greeted with the sight of Min Jae, standing in front of the small desk where there were a few things scattered on it.

Ricky hesitated to step inside.

He hadn't planned on seeing the man. Not when his emotions were still unsettled. Thinning his lips, he took a step back, ready to close the door behind him and leave Min Jae alone.

"I know you're mad," Min Jae said, stopping Ricky.

The tension in the air was thick, and Ricky would be an idiot not to notice it. It was circling around him, wrapping itself in his mind, almost beckoning him to stay. He remained silent as he dropped his gaze to the floor, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

"Not really," Ricky said, forcing the words out of his mouth.

"Right." Min Jae turned around, looking at him straight in the eyes.

The nonchalance in his stance was irritating. It was like he felt at ease with his decision. Ricky shrugged.

"You are mad," Min Jae said, his voice soft.

Ricky thinned his lips. "I thought after the small chat we had, you would at least show up to your father's funeral."

He had expected a lot of reaction from the younger man, but what he didn't expect was the scoff that fell from Min Jae's lips. He stopped himself from frowning, waiting for Min Jae to reply to him.

"Our conversation only reminded me why I shouldn't attend Appa's funeral," Min Jae said, his tone of voice held an edge to it that stopped Ricky from asking anymore questions.

For a brief moment.

But he was not intimidated, not by this person who he had known since Dae Hee introduced his son to him.

Anger resurfaced in his mind and before he could stop himself, his words rushed out of his mouth. "You could've at least showed up for your sister's sake. She would have wanted her brother there."

DYSTOPIA  | BOOK 2 of Death of the Future SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now