Chapter 7: Why

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The Alpha's POV

I didn't want to go to this fucking club to begin with but my Beta, Marcus convinced me to join him. I had too much work to do. We had a huge vampire problem to deal with rather than attend the club but I figured one night couldn't hurt and we had a strong patrolling pack team. Also someone needed to keep my crazy Gamma in check although Amir has been acting responsibly these days.

I arrived later than everyone and was planning to spend just 30 minutes at the club but that was before I met her. I didn't know her name and I've never seen her in my pack before. Her natural beauty was what every girl envied. She was radiant like a Goddess.

I was ecstatic to have found my mate. That was before I found out she didn't want me. I'm not gonna lie, her words affected me immensely. I was greatly confused.

Did she find me ugly or something?

What was so bad about me?

What made me so repulsive?

Why doesn't she want me?

Will I ever see her again?

Was there someone else?

Those were the questions running through my head as I walk pace around my house. My wolf was whimpering like a pup for the loss of our mate. Since a child, I always dreamed of whom my mate might be. At the age of 25, I'm just finding my mate and that's very late for an Alpha.

My whole pack were starting to worry that I would never find a mate. I felt the same. I shouldn't have let her run away. She didn't smell like a rogue so she must be one of the new members. That meant she's been here for a month and I didn't see her until now. That's unacceptable!

I couldn't relax. My whole body was fidgety. All I could think about was her. I wanted to search this whole pack for her. Instead I shifted into my wolf and ran to my grandmother's house. I haven't seen her in a while. It was almost midnight and knowing her, she was still awake.

I opened the door with my key and my Gran came stomping down to the entrance.

"Boy, I almost electrified you" Gran says once she saw me. I gave her a weak smile. I walk with her to sit on the living room couch.

"Dominic what's wrong?" Gran ask watching my slouching figure.


"Don't lie to me!" She says hitting the back of my head lightly.

"I found my mate"

"That's great!" She exclaimed with happiness until she saw my face. "What's wrong with her? Is she one of them hoes?"

"No, She just ran away from me and I chased her. She started crying and told me to leave her alone because she doesn't want a mate and she can't have a mate. Then she ran away and this time I just watch her leave" I explain.

"You need to give her some space. It's hard for her to say those words to you. She's probably scared and you need to assure her that you won't hurt her. The thought of being Luna is hard for most women. Just give her time to adjust" Gran informs.

"I don't think I can see her again. It's just too hard knowing that my mate doesn't want me"

She touched my cheek and gave me a weak smile. She lets out a long yawn.

"Communication is key and patience is a virtue" She stood up and started walking upstairs.

"I think I'll crash here for the night" I tell her following her quietly.

"I hope you don't mind but I told my apprentice to lay in your room. She wasn't feeling well" Gran spoke as I touch the handle of my bedroom door.

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