Chapter 9: Traitor

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Did I hear her correctly?

Did she say Alpha?

I stared up at my mate with shock and realization. His eyes met mine again. I could tell the vampire situation stressed him out. He turn back to the rest of the pack people who were waiting for his words in anticipation.

"This meeting was held to prepare all of you for what is about to come. We are at a time of war. The vampires want destruction and I fear there maybe a person within the pack working with them. So as your Alpha, it is my duty to diminish all threats to this pack even if it means killing one of our own. We have a traitor so I advise all of you to keep your eyes open. Report any unusual things you see to your Beta or Gamma. Curfew will be at nine" my mate spoke articulately. He turn to look at me and continue. "I want no one outside their houses after 9pm"

People groaned at the curfew part. I was still shook at the part of my mate being the Alpha! I locked eyes with him one more time and turn around moving out of the crowd. I needed a quiet place to think. Why Goddess? Why?!

Even at my time of panic, I was still thinking about the well being of this pack. Maybe if I left, no harm would happen to them. Was there really a traitor or was the vampire talking about me?

Am I a traitor for withholding important information?

"Salina!" Someone calling my name took me out of my thought bubble.

I turn around to find Amir running over to me. He held a white envelope in his hand. He reached me and hands me the envelope with a big smile on his face.

"Why are you smiling like that? It's so creepy" I point out and he laughs.

"The Alpha wanted me to give this to you. He's never been interested in anyone before" Amir says raising his eyebrows repeatedly. "So you two have a thing?"

"We do not have a thing!" I exclaimed taking the envelope from him.

"You sound so defensive!" He teased.

"Leave me alone" I reply.

Thank God for my melanin skin or else I would be blushing. He laughs and started to jog back to the meeting hall.

I opened the envelope and saw a key and a note that had an address scribbled on it and underneath the address wrote: "you have two days"

"I knew he was an Alpha all along" Adana teased.

"And you didn't tell me!" I utter in irritation.

"It still doesn't make a difference. You still don't want him!"

Fuck my life. He is an Alpha and that makes me a Luna. I let out a frustrating groan as I walk to pick Wes up. And I thought things couldn't get any worse with us now I found out I have a whole pack to lead. I can barely take care of myself!

That night, Wes distracted me from the Alpha and other issues as we played Mario Kart. That game was so fun. School was out tomorrow for him and Harriet said I could bring him to work tomorrow. He likes to read so he'll probably stay in her office reading or playing with his cars.


It was the next day and everyone kept talking about the vampire situation everywhere I go. It was very annoying. I was blaming myself for the whole situation. I didn't want this pack to suffer the fate of my old pack. I even contemplated leaving this place so they could be safe but I knew even if I left my mate wouldn't stop looking for me. Deep down I didn't want to abandon him.

The whole pack was going crazy. Some protective mothers brought their children over to the Healer's house asking for Vampire repellent which does not exist. It annoyed Harriet so much that she closed down her house for the day unless it was a huge emergency.

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