Mr. Flawless

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~ Chapter 32 ~

*Major editing done

" Western." Asher puts on a fake smirk.

" Cooper. Grey." He responds vainly.

" Blake." I reply, bluntly.

After the exchange of names, a moment of silence.

Blue and green eyes exchange looks. But, we all know why Blake is actually here; Asher.

Blake is the first to break the uneasy silence. " You just couldn't keep your mouth shut, couldn't you?" He glares threateningly at Asher and I'm almost glad he doesn't pay any attention to me.

To my surprise, Asher doesn't play dumb, after all, there is no use of doing so. " Chill, dude. You're just going to lose some dinero—for your mistake. That's it." Asher says simply and shrugs, but obviously, none of those words make Blake relax.

His shoulders are still tense and Asher's feet are still tapping continuously; this problem might take a while to solve.

" Well, remember this, Cooper," Blake is now only 5 inches away from Asher's face now, talking in a voice that is barely a whisper. "You're going to be sorry after those dineros leave my wallet because I know what you've been hiding from your little friend over here." He doesn't break eye contact with Asher, but I immediately know he's talking about me. " And I know for sure that you're not going to be happy when she finds out that your life isn't so perfect after all, Mr. Flawless." The rush of words sadly continues. " So, enjoy your little play while you can because it's not going to last much longer." Without waiting for a response from the brunette, Blake turns around and heads over to the field.

When I look at Asher, he isn't smirking anymore; his lips are in a tight line; a new feature on his face. I try to search for the emotion he's feeling—knowing I'll fail—but the only indication that he didn't enjoy Blake's threat, are his clenched white knuckles and his still tapping foot. Also a new feature; a blush of red has covered his cheeks.

I sigh, frustrated. " Asher?"

He doesn't answer, pale emerald eyes still fixated on Blake's retreating figure.

" Asher?" I repeat, trying to pull him out of his daze.

" I'm here." He says suddenly.

" Really? Because I don't know what that was about, but I think Blake just threatened you." I give him a confused expression, but he continues with the neutral act and flexed jaw.

" Blake can threaten me and expose me all he wants, and he'd still be the least of my worries." His emerald eyes convert darkly.

" Hmph. I didn't know you had worries." I cross my arms. " Just like you have secrets." I try and not push the subject as I look at my worn-out cleats, but Blake obviously made it clear; Asher is hiding something from me and he's not ready to tell me what it is.

" Secrets? Everybody has secrets." He almost scoffs, but I stop him.

" That they keep from friends?" I say in a low voice, avoiding his eyes; a forest I might get lost in.

I see his lips part as he looks at me with complete awe. "So, we're friends now?" He can't help but smirk and I can't help but smack him.

" Hey! I'm serious." He nudges me. " You never made anything official."

" Do I have to?" This time I scoff.

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