Chapter 8 - Baby's Day Out

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All his nervousness piled up to thousands times on seeing her in pain.

Definitely I am going to pass out.

Keeping fingers crossed he rushed towards her.

He didn't what to say, but he rubbed her arms and wiped away her sweat.

"Almost there Shruti. Almost there" he said.

Shruti tried to calm at the voice. She was in no mood to know who was standing beside her.

All her concentration was on pushing the baby.

Finally both of them heard another scream.

Shruti smiled in relief and fainted on Viswa's arm.

"Shruti." he called out to her and patted her cheeks.

"Sir" doctor called him and asked him to cut the umbilical cord.

No! No! I can't!

"Sir, we need to do it fast." the nurse slightly pushed him towards the baby and made them to cut.

With hands shaking due to nervousness, he finally cut the cord and looked at the doctor. She smiled at him only then he relaxed.

Then she handled over the baby to him. He nervously took the baby in his arm.

His hands were shaking in fear, as soon as the baby was in his arm, his grip increased unknowingly. Never in his life had he held a baby. When the baby was placed on his arm, he securely held the baby and smiled at the baby.

"Girl baby." he smiled.

Soon the nurse asked for the baby so that they can clean.

They asked him to wait outside. He asked for Shruti asked she fainted, they said it happens during labour. She might wake up after few hours or so.

He needed some time to comprehend what happened in the delivery room.

Wow! He breathed out. Never had he thought that baby's birth would be this amazing. He still could fell goose flesh all over his skin.

After coming out he saw message from his department head asking about his whereabouts.

Sh!t! How did I forget about the customer issue?

He texted back that he was caught up in emergency situation and will be back soon. He waited till the maid could come.

Soon nurse brought the crying baby. As soon as he picked the baby, the baby stopped crying to which he grinned at her.

As he held her, he caressed the baby's nose and fingers.

When the baby wrapped her hand around his index finger, sudden jolt of electricity passed through him.

Tears welled in his eyes at this new connection he had with this baby. He kissed her forehead.

"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." he whispered. As if understanding his words, she shook her hands and legs.

He was mesmerized by her cuteness. Soon the maid came. After showing the baby to maid, he handed the baby to nurse.

As soon he handed the baby he felt void. His smiled also dropped. But he had some work to be done.

Giving the baby a look he went out but not before giving his number to the maid and informing her to call for any emergency purpose.

He rushed to office and started to fix the pending issues. By the time it was 3AM he delivered the product to the customers. Feeling so tired even going to his home; he slept on office table itself.

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