Chapter 14 - AI? Artificial Intelligence?

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Sorry for adding video which is not suitable for all. Again upcoming scene matches the song. So added this. I don't know Telugu, but the meaning would suit the below scenes. That's why.

Long gone was the sleep for Shruti.

'As if I will let you sleep?' Her subconscious mind poked in.

He shouldn't have thought so low of me? I thought he was different. Her heart whimpered

'Then what else can he think of when you have baby? How can he guess Vidya was born by AI? You never said about her birth. Whose mistake was that' her mind pointed out.

She sighed.

'Even though he had thought like that, he did say that her past doesn't matter to him.' When she recalled their last conversation, her eyes welled up.

Yes she was glad when her past didn't matter to him, but what hurt her was when there was no past, someone judged you wrongly.

But she knew she was wrong. She should have discussed about Vidya when they started their relationship. With that determination, she went to other room to apologize to him. She frowned on seeing him missing.

When she went to living room, the aroma of making Tea made her to step into kitchen.

She leaned on to the counter and stared at his back. She struggled to speak as she was ashamed of her actions.

"You want some tea?" he asked without turning.

She whispered yes. He poured tea to two cups and handled over one to her.

She didn't look at his eyes thinking he was angry at her.

As she kept on staring the cup, she decided to speak out.

"I am sorry." She blinked when he apologized instead.

Wasn't it my dialogue? She thought.

"What?" she looked at his eyes to see bags were formed under his eyes.

"I didn't mean it that way Shruti. I could never think you had one night stand. I know about you." When he said these, her heart fluttered and tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Viswa," she called out to him.

"No. Listen to me fully. Initially I thought you had a boyfriend but might have had breakup since I didn't see him anywhere near you. On the day of labor I asked your maid to call the father of the child as he has the right to see the baby. When she said that you don't know who the father is, I thought you were raped."

By this time, tears were pouring out of her eyes.

He never thought me like that?

She couldn't be any more ashamed for her behavior last night. Why didn't I let him speak yesterday?

'You and your impulse action only,' her mind accused her.

"Viswa," she called him.

When he looked at her, he was shocked on seeing her crying.

"What happened?" he cupped her face.

She took deep breath. "I didn't get raped nor had any boyfriend." She looked at his eyes which were still waiting for her to continue.

"I lost trust in men soon after my engagement got cancelled. My family wanted to get me married immediately. But I got fed with the idea of getting married. But I longed for a family. So I thought of starting one. That's why I thought of AI method."

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