Chapter Nineteen

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Music: Immortals - Fallout Boy [Nightcore]


I hear a high pitched frequency in my ear and I hear annoying murmuring in the background. Then a sudden pain in my side. Everything is black. Why is everything black? Oh, wait I think my eyes are closed, that makes sense... Slowly I begin to open my eyes, only to close them again due to the light.

"Hey! Guys, I think she's waking up!" I hear a strong Brooklyn accent. Raph. Oh, I guess we didn't all die then.

I once again squint open my eyes, gradually getting slightly wider when I get used to the light. Why does it have to be so bright?

When my eyes are fully open I realize I'm in Donatello's lab. I know because I broke into here before.

I see the turtles all in the room looking at me like I just swallowed an entire pizza at Mikey could do that...

Y/N: "Well, I'm guessing the bomb didn't go off?"

Leonardo: "Yeah. You saved us all."

Y/N: "I figured that part out myself. So...what happened?"

Mikey: "Well, this big ugly mutant dude stabbed you and then we got out of there since you had already disabled the bomb, which is awesome dudette may I say!" Mikey says in the same mouthful of air, surprisingly.

Y/N: "Uh, thanks?"

Raphael: "We thought ya were a goner for sure."

Y/N: "Pffft. Takes more than fifty mutants to kill me."


Y/N: "So...this is awkward."

Donatello: "I'm surprised you took so long to warm up to us. Like after getting to know us more. The average person takes approximately-"

Y/N: "I couldn't warm up to you dudes if you were on fire."

Time Skip: Three Days Later

Due to the mutagen in my cells, I am now almost fully recovered. I need to leave now, some things need to be sorted out.

I take my favorite katana off the weapons wrack in the dojo and attach it to the belt on my lower back when I sense someone's presence in the room.

I take my favorite katana off the weapons wrack in the dojo and attach it to the belt on my lower back when I sense someone's presence in the room

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Raphael: "Where are you going?"

I smirk and turn around to respond. "The world isn't saved yet Raphie," I say, then heading towards the exit of the lair.

Raphael: "Raphie?! What are ya goin' ta do anyway?" He asks, starting to follow me.

Y/N: "We haven't seen the last of the mutants. There are Kraang facilities all around the world devoted to creating who knows how many more mutants. Finally, when all that is taken care of I can get back to my actual mission."

Raphael: "And what would that be?"

Y/N: "Killing Bishop."

Raphael: "Yourself?"

Y/N: "Yes myself." I respond climbing up the ladder to the surface.

Raphael: "You're not even fully healed."

Y/N: "I will be."

Raphael: "Yeah, and how are ya supposed ta take down all those mutants by yourself?" Raph asks, following me up to the surface.

Y/N: "I'll figure something out. Look Raph I can take care of it, and Bishop murdered my parents in cold blood so returning the favor is something I have to do myself."

Raphael: "Oh, I didn't know."

Y/N: "'Course you didn't. Why would ya?"

Raphael: "Look, just let me help ya, a'ight?"

Y/N: "Wh-"

Raphael: "Besides it'll be fun." Raphael cuts me off.

Y/N: "...fine..."

Raphael: "Wait, seriously?" he says as his eyes light up.

Y/N: "Yes, seriously. Now come on. We got Kraang to take care of." I say smirking and cracking my knuckles.

The End,

 the end of the beginning!

Yes, that's right there will be a part two! Another fanfiction! Details will be in the next update, along with special thanks to particular people and yes requests are open for the next fanfiction! Like seriously I love it when you guys request stuff, so message me or leave a comment below ;).

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