Chapter 4

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The next morning I come downstairs to find Nick flipping pancakes in a frying pan, fully clothed thankfully. He smiles at me and waves at me with the spatula causing me to laugh.

I throw my long wavy auburn hair up in a messy ponytail as I make my way to the table and take a seat. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. Nick gives me a questioning look before I jog over to the door. Looking through the peep hole I automatically know who it is.

I open the door and Joe immediately looks around me without saying anything. "Hi?" I say.

"Hey." He says, walking past me and into the kitchen. He stops when he sees Nick, who just smiles at him warmly.

"What's up bro?" He says.

"Did you spend the night?" Joe asks in monotone, taking a seat at the table.

I walk over and grab a plate for him, setting it in front of him.

"Yeah we were watching tv and both fell asleep, woke up in the middle of the night and just crashed here. Why?"

I swear I hear Joe let out a breath he was holding in and smiles, "Gotcha, I was just worried because you never came back." He says quickly. But I know him, and it seems like he assumed something else. But it's me and Nick. Does he really think something is going on between us, and if he did... why would he care?

"Aw, aren't you just a sweet older brother." Nick says, rubbing the top of Joes head. He swats at Nicks arm and tries to put his curls back into place.

I set a plate of finished pancakes in the middle of the table and take a seat beside Joe. Nicks brings a pitcher of orange juice over and sits across from me.

"What's on the agenda for today guys?" I ask.

Joe and I both stab our forks into the top pancake at the same time. He glares at me but I stick my tongue out at him, causing him to laugh and take his fork away. I smile and set the fluffy breakfast food onto my plate.

"I was thinking a day at the beach sounded good. Kevin and Danielle are going." Nick says.

"Oh yeah Kev told me about that. Jenny has to work a double so she can't make it. I wasn't sure if I should go or not." Joe says.

"You should, it will be fun." Nick says.

I stay quiet, smothering butter on my pancakes before pouring the fresh maple syrup over it. Nick doesn't put butter on his pancakes like some sort of psychopath.

"You should come Trin." Joe says.

I look up at him and then at Nick who smiles and nods in agreement. "Oh, I don't know..." I start. I haven't even worn a bathing suit in months.

"Come on, it will be fun! I know Danielle would love to spend time with you." Joe says.

Danielle has always been like an older sister to me. Some girl time does sound appealing...

Nick sticks his bottom lip out in a pout, "Pleaseeee." He says, dragging out the word.

"Okay, fine." I say and giggle.

"Sweet." Joe says.

We finish our pancakes and they help me clean up before heading back to their place. I'm supposed to meet them there in thirty minutes, so I throw on my red simple looking bikini and throw a pair of cut offs and a tee shirt of it.

I hop into my car and make my way over. I'm totally looking forward to a day with the guys, like it used to be. And of course I'm looking forward to being around Danielle too.

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