Chapter 19

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It is silent on our way home from our little getaway. We haven't talked about what we are going to say to our families about us or when. They don't even know that Joe and Jenny broke up yet, so we are going to have to hold off on telling them about us for at least a little bit.

We pull into my apartment and Joe looks at me as he puts his car in park, "I should go and tell my family that the wedding is off."

"Okay." I say.

"Thanks for coming with me." He says with a smile. I smile back and set my hand on his.

"Thanks for taking me." I say. He grabs my hand and squeezes it gently before letting go.

After being home long enough to unpack and take a quick shower, I grab my phone and I have multiple missed calls from Nick. I panic and listen to his voicemail. His voice is shaky as he says their dad had a heart attack and is in the hospital.

I grab my keys and run out to my car, speeding all the way to the hospital, luckily not seeing any police cars.

When I arrive, I am finally guided to the right floor and go to the waiting room. Nick, Kevin, Danielle and there mom are seated together on a couch. Standing beside them is Joe and Jenny, Jenny's arm wrapped around Joe. I feel guilty for feeling jealousy in a moment like this, but really, what's going on? Nick called me and Joe didn't. Does this mean he called Jenny?

Nick sees me and gets up. I peel my gaze off of Joe and Jenny to look at Nick. His face is wet and he wipes it with the back of his hand.

"He's having open heart surgery right now." Nick says.

"I'm sorry Nick." I say, reaching out for him. He grabs me for a hug and I can feel his body shake. I rub his back, trying to comfort him.

He breaks away and tries to give me a convincing smile.

"Thanks for coming." he says.

"Of course." I tell him.

Their mother stands up then and I walk up to her, giving her a hug. She thanks me for being there before Danielle takes her to the cafeteria to get some coffee.

I look at Joe and he smiles weakly at me. Jenny stays by his side and I feel uncomfortable. I want to hug him, to be there for him but it looks like she has that covered.

"Walk with me?" Nick asks and I nod, thankful to get away from the other two.

I follow him out into the hallway in silence as we approach a door to the outside. It's the little park that the hospital has, patients walking alone or with company.

We take a seat on the bench and I wait patiently for him to say something.

"Thanks for coming." He says once again and i look at him, my eyebrow raised.

"You already thanked me." I say.

"I know but I wasn't sure you'd want to be around me." he says, shrugging.

"I told you I didn't want anything change between us."

"People say things they don't mean all the time ." he says before rubbing the back of his neck.

"Not me." I say.

He looks at me finally. He has dark circles under his eyes and his face looks thinner, "I'm sorry about what happened between us. I never want to loose you."

"I never want to loose you either Nick." I say.

"I hope my dads going to be okay." he says. He looks down at his hands and I can tell he's trying not to cry.

I rest my hand on his shoulder and squeeze gently.

"He's strong. He will make it through." I say.

We get back into the waiting room and Joe and Jenny are nowhere to be found. I pretend that it doesn't bother me because now isn't the time to be selfish. This is about their father, not Joe and me.

After about three hours of waiting, I lean my head against Nick's shoulder and fall asleep, feeling emotionally exhausted.

I nudged awake and open my eyes. I sit up and Joe and Jenny are seated across from us. Joe is looking at me but I don't look at him.

"He's almost done with surgery." Nick says to me.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

Nick nods, and the room stays silent.

When he is out of surgery, he is still in the ICU so the doctor only wants family to go see him and only one at a time. Of course their mom Denise goes in first.

Next goes Kevin, and then when he comes back Joe goes. Jenny sits with Danielle and they make small talk. She doesn't even look in my direction.

When Joe comes out, Nick goes in and Joe stands in the middle of the room as if he's unsure of where he should sit. Eventually he sits next to Kevin.

Nick comes out and tells us he isn't out of the woods yet and it's going to be a long recovery. Denise is staying and all of us are okay to go.

Jenny stands up and walks up to him, "do you want to leave?"

I feel my face heat up. Leave? And go where? I thought they were done?

I can feel Nick's eyes on me and I pray my facial expression doesn't match how I'm feeling on the inside.

"Okay, but could I talk to you Trin for a moment?" Joe says, looking at me. He's going to go with her and he wants to talk to me first? What's he going to say, that they are getting back together?

I don't know what to do so I just stand there, looking like an idiot.

"Actually we were just leaving." Nick says, walking up to stand next to me.

I look at him and then at Joe, "Right." I say.

"Trin." Joe says but I shake my head.

"Let's go." Jenny says and Joe looks at me one more time before leaving with her. I bite my lip so I don't cry in front of anyone.

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