Chapter 4

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Tonight I join the boys in study group. I sit next to Neil, I am vaguely aware of our shoulders touching. At the moment he was helping me with a part of the latin homework I didn't get.

Around the room, several students are throwing darts at a small rubber skeleton hanging from the bulletin board. Various students are studying and playing games. Meeks and Pitts are sitting at one table working on their "hi-fi system". Meeks is waving an antenna around with no luck. Pitts points out to him that he forgot to plug it in. Knox enters the room and closes the door behind him, leaning up against it heavily.

'How was dinner?' Charlie asks.

'Huh?' Knox turns his head.

'How was dinner?' Charlie repeats.

'Terrible', He sighs, 'Awful.'

He leaves the door and sits down with us at the table.

'Why?' Charlie questions, 'What happened?'

'Tonight, I met the most beautiful girl in my entire life', Knox breathes.

'I'll try not to be insulted...' I joke

'nono, angie', Knox states quickly, 'you're beautiful, don't get me wrong, but she...' Knox let out a rather dramatic sigh.

'wauw, you got it bad', I laugh, he nods in agreement.

'What's wrong with that?' Neil asks after a moment.

'She's practically engaged', Knox states, 'To Chet Danburry.'

'That guy could eat a football', Charlie mumbled.

'That's too bad', Pitts agrees.

'Too bad?' Knox repeats, 'It's worse than too bad Pitsie, it's a tragedy. A girl this beautiful in love with such a jerk.'

'All the good ones go for jerks, you know that.' Pitts states, before realizing, 'Except for Angie of course,' making me laugh.

'Ahh, forget her', Cameron scoffs, 'Open your trig book and try and figure out problem five.'

'I can't just forget her Cameron', Knox sighs, 'And I can't think about trig.' at that moment the radio Meeks and Pitts were working on begins letting out a high pitched hum.

'We got it.' 'Holy cow.' they quietly celebrated until Mr. Hager walks into the room, 'All right everyone, five minutes. Let's go.'

The students quickly pack up their gear and prepare to leave. Pitts tries to hide the radio in his lap. Neil leans in close to me: 'hey, can I walk you back?'

'sure', I smile at him, he returns the smile while taking my books.

As we enter my corridor, he asks: 'So, how do you like Hell-ton so far?'

'Never thought hell would be a place on earth', I state matter-of-factly, making him laugh.

When we reach my room, I opens the door and Neil places my books on the desk before leaning against the wardrobe.

'By the way', he tells me, 'I don't believe what Knox said.'


'I'm sure you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen', he smiles, making me blush, 'And especially cute whenever you wear those glasses.' at this point I didn't even wanna know how crimson red I blushed, because it only got worse when he leaned down kisses my cheek. And I'm sure he saw because his smile changed into a smirk, 'good night, Evangeline.'

Finally a happy end/ Dead Poets Society (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now