Chapter 4

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A/N: Hey guys! Here's chapter 4, like I promised! :D Please tell me what you all think; feedback would be great! :) Also, I gotta little surprise: I've included a short sneaky peek of Seth's point of view! Now don't you all just loovee meehh?? Haha, no. Just joking. But I did actually include Seth's Pov and I'd love it if you guys told me what you think! Do you like Seth? Looovvee himm? Or even hate him?? Oh, another thing! PLEASE GO CHECK OUT MY OTHER STORY: Luna? Really.


Seth's Pov

"Alpha, you uh, you kinda made a spectacle if yourself last night. That's why everyone's staring at you." My best friend and Beta of the pack, Ryan, told me. He looked at me worriedly, waiting for my reaction.

"Well, it can't be that bad. I mean seriously, I probably just got drunk and danced weirdly or something like that. Right?" I asked him for confirmation.

"Weelll, you've got half of it right. You got drunk, danced weirdly, your words not mine, and you uh- Dude! Bro, you announced to everyone that you'd found your mate. And then when you couldn't find her, you burst out crying. So yeah, kinda more worse then you thought." He grinned at me and punched me on the arm, "At least you found your mate! God, I haven't even found mine yet! You're lucky." He shook his head at me in admiration.

I snorted and said, "Oh yeah? And where is my mate now, huh? Coz I can't see her any where." He frowned at me and I ran a hand through my blond hair in frustration.

Ryan clapped a hand on my back, saying as he got up from the table, "You'll find her man. You will. Fate will bring you both together. Just follow the light." He said in a mock-prophecy person's voice to lighten the mood. I laughed at his bad attempt at a seer's voice and just shook my head. I really hope I find her soon. My wolf howled in agreement.

Lori's Pov

Due to the fact that last night's party nearly blew my cover, I'm laying low today. Which meant I had disguised myself in baggy pants and an oversized green hoody, not something that I would usually wear. I had the hood pulled up and my long blond hair hid my face from sight which was quite useful. I didn't want anyone recognising me. Chances are, I would remain anonymous for the rest of the day as my current attire wasn't what I usually wore. Another advangtage: I'd found my ring in one of the flower beds. Don't know how it got there but I'm just glad that I found it. At least now Seth won't be able to smell my scent.

Glowering, I muttered another curse as I bent down to retrieve my books. All day, this had happened. All freaking day. No one recognised me so of course, they didn't care if I got knocked over. If only they knew who was underneath the hood... I grinned evilly at the thought of the scared faces had they seen who they'd just barged into. Oh boy, would I have fun playing pranks on those poor souls..(though they kinda deserve it for shoving into me without saying sorry..)

Suddenly, a large tanned hand retrieved my books and handed them to me, saying in a husky voice, "I thought you might need help with those. What's your name?" I looked up just as our hand touched and thought, 'Shit faced cows on cheesecake'.

Sparks flew when our hands touched and Seth gasped and muttered, "Mate." He made a grab for me but I just managed to avoid his hands and made a run for it, sprinting down the hallways and out of the school, into the woods near the school. I really hope he didn't recognise me. I changed into my wolf and ran through the woods, the trees soon becoming a forest-green blur. I stopped, gasping, as I tried to catch my breath.

A snap sounded behind me and my big blonde wolf head snapped up, looking for the source of the sound. My eyes found Seth's wolf's golden ones and I gulped. He growled, stalking towards me. Shit shit shit. I am so dead. absolutely dead. Sweet baby Jesus, please save me a spot in heaven, I prayed. If I was lucky, this would be a quick death. Closing my eyes, I waited for the death blow.

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