Chapter 23

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I really did not want to leave bed but I was starving and the bakery needs my attention. I will need to open in 3 hours and I haven't even started the oven. I have only been awake for a little bit but I didn't want to be.

After Texas confessed to killing Red I had a strange since of peacefulness feel my body. I haven't been this relaxed in years.

I do not think that I realized how scared I was of him finding out about Zaylee until the fear disappeared. I feel lighter now, truly free for the first time.

"Texasss..." I whine as I poke his cheek. He has fallen asleep on me. His face is resting on my breasts, his legs are tangled with my own and his hands are around my belly.

We had laid in bed and talked all night. When we were finished we stayed tangled together while Texas felt for Zaylee's movements. Every time she kicked you would have thought she made his world.

He was like a kid on Christmas morning. His whole face would light up. Honestly I am not sure how I almost let my crazy get in the way of this. How I almost let my past take this away too.

I can see a real future with him. A real happy future with him and I am excited.

"Texxxxxasss!" I whine again while trying to roll away but this man is too heavy. It's morning and if I don't eat soon it will all come back up. That's the only quirk I have had through my pregnancy if I do not eat within the first two hours of waking I will just throw my breakfast back up.

"What do you want Love?" He grumbles burying his face deeper into my breasts.

"Food! Zaylee is starving me I need to go make something to eat. Plus I need to get ready for work and go start the ovens."

Sighing he let's me up and I wince in pain as soon as my feet touch the floor. Looking down I see that my feet are huge and they hurt. How am I supposed to work like this?

"Is that normal?" Texas asks nodding at my feet.

"Swelling is normal, but I don't know if it is to this extent. I think I'm going to call just to make sure." I mumble thank goodness we have a 24 hour on call doctor at my birthing center.

"Sounds like a good idea, why don't you lay back in bed and elevate your ankles. I'll get some ice for them, make you coffee, start some food, and go downstairs and start the ovens. When does that new girl start?" He asks while helping me get back into bed and comfortable.

"She started last week but she isn't coming in today until later, I gave her the morning off. Thank you handsome." I say while placing a kiss on his chin when he leans down to adjust my feet.

Texas's face heats up all the way to his ears and I swoon a little on the inside. He is just so perfect. Taking out my phone I call the doctor.

The doctor suggests that I come in so she can check me out. So I call Christy
and ask her to come in early, explaining the situation. I hated to wake her but the bakery has to be opened. Bless her she had no problem coming in. Do I slowly get out of bed and dressed.

Everything kind of hurts at this point and my Braxton Hicks contractions are starting to feel more like period cramps which is annoying.

Texas walks in with a plate of food and frowns when he sees me dressed and out of bed.

"She says I need to come in for an examination." I say apologetically.

Texas just nods his head and goes to lace his boots up.

"I'll call a prospect and have him bring me my car. I rode my bike over last night." He says taking out his phone.

"It's okay I have Gears car, and you really do not have to go. It's just a bunch of women and their husbands." I say with a blush while looking at my feet.

"Yes I do. I thought we agreed last night that we are together. Baby girl, Zaylee is more of my child then Red's I want her. Being her father means being there for her before and after she is born. And I'm not letting you drive when your in so much discomfort." He says while pulling my chin up to look him in the eyes.

Good grief he is perfect.

"Thank you Texas." I mumble while pressing my cheek into his own. I like the feel of him against me.

Turning his cheek he smashes his lips into my own. He makes my world spin when he does this.

"Anything for you, now hand me the keys and get your pretty ass into the car!" He says with a swat.

Well I hope you guys had as good of a weekend as I did! Coming back to 3,000 reads was incredible so I wanted to send a thank you!

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