Part 9

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"Cole when I'm with you I feel like my world has been turned upside down. I can't get you out of my mind. I want nothing more than to make you happy. I want to be with you always and I never want to let you go.

So I guess what I'm asking is, will you be my boyfriend Cole Jean Davis?"

My eyes were wide and I probably looked like a cartoon character. I even stopped breathing for a moment when I realized what had happened. I sat there my mouth open, and my eyes wide. I was frozen in place not moving an inch, feeling as if I moved the moment would be ruined.

Andi waved a hand in front of my face and it seemed to pull me out of my shocked trance. I smiled and looked down feeling my cheeks burn with redness "Yes, Andi. I want to be your boyfriend too. I've liked for a long time now, but I was just too confused about my feelings." I whispered quietly. He quickly wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a strong bone crushing hug. "Can't breathe!" I voiced as Andi pulled back and gave me the most wonderful kiss ever.

He bit down on my bottom lip making me gasp softly asking for entrance, so I let him. He took over and explored my mouth with his tongue. The kiss was sweet and kind, but soon enough it got harder and more passionate as time went on.

"Well I guess imma cockblock this bitch!" My mom swung the door open and bellowed out bringing in burgers from Wendy's. I blushed looking at Andi then started to realize the position I was in. "Mom An-" I tried to say but my mom cut me off "I know. I see the way you two look at each other. It's so ADORABLE." She screeched like a banshee. "Thanks mom!" I whispered smiling softly. She walked up to me and pulled me into a tight hug. "I love you Cole." She whispered and it made me tear up a bit. "Love you too!"

As soon as we pulled apart the doctor came in. "Hello everyone. Cole how's everything, are you feeling okay?" He asked checking his clipboard. "I'm fine. I just have a slight headache and it's hard to eat. I don't have much of an appetite." I confessed with my mom and Andi looking at me with a sad expression. "I know, that is to be expected. I have a list for you on the things you have to eat in a day in order to keep you from coming back here. Make sure you eat, it's important for your safety." He warned walking swiftly out the door leaving me the list of requirements.

"Oh. I almost forgot, but your getting discharged today." He said sticking his head back in giving me a warm smile. As he walked out we all yelled "Wooooooo!"

"Well, I'm going to go get some clothes for you when you get discharged. Andi stay with my son and please keep his innocence intact while I'm gone." She mumbled the last part. And soon I felt my cheeks warm up. While Andi just laughed and mumbled a "I'll try."

My mom walked out as Andi quickly made his way to the foot of the hospital bed and sat down criss-crossed, putting my feet on his legs.

He looked at me.

And I looked at him.

He looked at me.

And I looked him.

He looked at me.

"So. . .your my boyfriend now." He whispered "I guess I am." I replied.

He spilt my legs and slowly crawled up them, so he could rest between them. We were face to face as Andi started to plant little kisses on my forehead, then nose, and finally my lips.

He slowly moved his lips as he began to to cup my cheeks with his hands. I grabbed his hair and tugged a little while he let out a deep groan. He then started to trail hot kisses that burned my body down my collar bone and went up to suck on my neck. I let out a shaky breath attached to a moan.

He made his way back to my li- "Mr. Davis, I have your discharge papers," The nurse looked at us and froze. We quickly pulled back and acted innocent. "Sorry, I guess I should have knocked." She looked down and mumbled. "It's okay it was only a kiss." Andi pointed out. "Okay, well Cole here are your discharge papers. You and your guardian have to sign this." She said before walking out and blushing like a maniac.

We both laughed and sat on the hospital bed watching bad soap operas till my mom came back with my clothes.

"So, what happened while I was gone?"

Unfulfilled LifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon