Chapter 17

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Katie was still on not talking terms with Severus. She didn't thought that her last month would be like that. She missed Severus terrible. But she was did went towards him multiple times to say she was sorry, but Severus dismissed her. He didn't even looked at her. Were they really over? Katie also noticed that Severus kept looking at her best friend Lily. That happened before. After she told him she loved him, he got over Lily quickly, but now when they were on the outs, he is back staring into her eyes. 

Furthermore Severus was hanging out more and more with that Lestrange girl and the Malfoy boy. They both seemed cruel and having friends who are cruel as well. 

As Katie was walking towards her next and final classes she bumped into Severus. 'Can't you watch where your going, or aren't you capeble of that', Severus said. 

Katie was making fists of her hands and dug her nails into her own skin so deep from anger. 'Hey, I have an idea, why don't we punish little miss Holt for it', Bellatrix said and she laughed loudly. 

Katie tried to ignore her and Malfoy and tried to walk passed them. Bellatrix however blocked her. 'Not so fast girl', she sneered. 

She pointed her wand on her and screamed 'Crucio!' Pain went trough her body and she fell down on the cold floor. She saw Severus standing there, doing nothing to prevent it. 'Crucio', Bellatrix yelled again. 

Katie screamed out from pain and more students came to see what was going on. Finally professor McGonagall came to see as well. 'Miss Lestrange, put that wand down instantly!', she said and she ran towards Katie who was still laying on the floor, shaking. Tears streaming down her face. 

Lily came rushing towards her. 'Katie, Katie... are you in pain anywhere?', she asked. Katie shook her head all though her entire body was still sore. Katie stood up and looked at the 3 friends. 

'You, especially you Severus, why didn't you do anything to stop that woman!', Lily yelled. 'I...I...', Severus started. 'Your a complete idiot Snape, the woman you love is right here and you did nothing to prevent her from the pain, to stop that idiotic woman over there from using the Cruciatus curse against her!', Lily yelled angry. 

'Wait, she used the Cruciatus curse on you miss Holt?', professor McGonagall asked. Katie nodded and tried to sit up straight. 'She did', she said. 

'Miss Lestrange, as a seventh year student you are aware of using the unforgiveble curses and you are certainly aware of the fact that you shouldn't even use magic in the school halls. You are expelled from Hogwarts, professor Dumbledore will know what you've done and shall punish you as he see fit, in the mean time it is only fitting for me to take your wand', professor McGonagall said and she waved with her own and the wand from Bellatrix flew into her hand. 

She pulled Katie from the ground and Lily was there on the other side. 'As for you mr. Snape, I would have expected better from you, aren't you suppose to be her boyfriend?', professor McGonagall said questionable. 

'Not anymore', Severus said coldly. He turned his back which cost Katie to let the tears fully flow. She knew now that her and Severus were over. 

'It's okay dear, we are going to see professor Dumbledore now and explain to him what happened', professor McGonagall said. 

'Don't you guys have anything better to do then to look at the show, study perhaps', Lily snapped towards the students who were still watching but now made their way out. 

They arrived at professor Dumbledore's office. The password was 'Lemon drops'. The beautiful staircase took Lily, Katie and professor McGonagall up. 

Professor Dumbledore was reading with his half moon glasses up he looked up and was shocked with what he saw. 

'Oh my dear, what happened', he said and he came rushing towards his goddaughter. Professor McGonagall told him what happened. Katie sat in a big arm chair. Still feeling numb with what just happened. 

'My dear, are you okay?', Dumbledore asked carefully. 'I now know what to do Albus', she softly started. 'To do what?', Lily said. 'After the school is over, I won't be coming back, not anytime soon anyway', Katie said. 

'Your going to the mermaids?', Dumbledore said feeling sad that his goddaughter was leaving him. 

'Yes, I have nothing anymore here, I only get hurt if I stay here, I don't want to feel like this anymore dad', Katie said looking into the Dumbledores eyes who were in pain, but a fling of understanding where she was coming from. 

'But Katie, this would mean I won't see you for perhaps years', Lily stated knowing she was about to lose her best friend. 'You will see me, I will visit you and James, I promise you that, but other then that I'll stay in the water where no one can hurt me again like it did today', Katie said. 

Dumbledore agreed with McGonagall that Lestrange wasn't going to graduate from Hogwarts. Because of Bellatrix being 17 she was also getting a trial from the Ministry of Magic and is getting charged with the use of one of the unforgiveble cursus. 

Katie never wanted to see Severus Snape ever again and he didn't want to see her. They went from being lovers to hate each other in an instant. Even though Snape didn't abused her like Bellatrix, Katie couldn't forgive him either. 

She was walking over the schoolgrounds for one last time with her friends. Sirius, Remus, Peter, James were also aware of what happened to Katie and were furious. 

James saw Snape walking towards the lake. 'There he is, let's have a little fun shall we', he said to Sirius. 

Before anybody could stop the two of them they already walked up to Severus. James used a bubble spell that filled Severus his mouth full with water. 

'A little bit of cleaning can't hurt', James said towards his friends. 'James stop it, you might end up killing him', Lily said. 'So... what if I did, he didn't stop his little friends from almost killing our friend remember', James said angry. 

'James stop it, stop this madness of hate', Lily said more angry now. James sighted and watched as Severus turned purple. He stopped the spell. 

'I didn't needed help from you', Severus spat towards Lily. 'Oh right, because you were doing fine on your own', Lily said sarcastic. 'I don't need help from you mudbloods or halfbreeds', Severus said coldly. 


'Your an asshole', Katie said suddenly feeling angry too. Angry that he called her a halfbreed. 'You just figured it out, I thought you were smarter then that', Severus said sarcastic. 

'ASSHOLE!', Katie yelled and she slapped him harsh over his cheek and then left with Lily and her friends and went back to the castle. 

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