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Magnus POV
Early in the morning we all went to church then we all came home to find out Monique Devereux has risen, Marcel and Me we're saying that we are now going to found a way to get Divina back we kill The witch who took her place. Then Haley came down the stairs saying she might have an idea or a theory about who one of them could be ,it was Celeste of course it was her. Divina was trying to tell us a greater evil was coming and it was Celeste. But why was she being all nice to me and brought me back from Papa tunedas thing. Then Klaus was saying that first the Papa guy came now Elijahs  crazy ex was here. It wasn't just a witch thing they were now declared war against us. Later on Rebecca grabbed me and we went off with Hayley to protect her or something like that. Rebecca thought that we were going to have to drag Haley to the plantation House but she agreed really easily honestly. We got out of the car to then start chatting about something Haley has been planning on to do with me for a while. "Tonight's a full moon Rebecca and Magnus but I wanted to invite A few people over." " of course every red blooded American werewolf will be a bundle of fur and sharp teeth tonight while I list your curse Cresant clan will be" haley did not let Rebecca finish her sentence but said they will be human but for only a few hours and won't be until the next full moon. I completely agree with her we should finally meet our Wolfpack once and for all. So she asked Josh to get a message out to Eve in the Bayou. " Josh isn't dead yet? Well good for him I love a nice survival story. Who the hell bloody is that?" " let me guess Haley kegs out back?" I asked her she then turned around to say yes to the man carrying out the things he then nodded his head. "Right appears you weren't going to wait for me to grant you permission to throw a kegger" haley then said "listen y'all want me safe fine. I'll do as I'm told. I'll play damsel in the glass tower with Magnus but tonight's the one night a month that I and Magnus can meet our family. Now you could rat me out send me to my room or you could help me throw one hell of a party!" We both did agreed so I quickly grabbed a grande pile of clothing and threw it into the wash to start cleaning so we can have enough clothes for the pack that's here to come.
It was several hours later and haley, Rebecca also are I were also busy. but me and Haley grabbed the clothing baskets that were fully dry and started to hang them up. We heard the owls howling in the background. Haley also I are putting up the clothes .one by one and tugging the pegs  on the clothing line .we made sure we had enough of everyone to have one outfit per person to then realize there was a wolf that Haley has seen before. He then growled at her, she laughed. "Hello again I am looking forward to meeting you soon." We then saw that the clouds were moving by the moon, was rising so Hayley and I walked back inside the house so all the naked wolves could go run for clothing. 
I went upstairs to quickly put on a pair of jeans,black boots, a white shirt and a brown leather jacket. I did hear the music started to play .so I raced back down the stairs to go see there was a bunch of people that, are already starting the fire and eating the food ,also dancing there hearts out. So I headed out a little nervous because I was not fully a werewolf but then a man with dark hair and a moustache/beard come up to me. "say you're Magnus Evans am I right I've heard of you from other packs coming in saying you gave Them hope and shelter cross the bayou, you also save them and I thank you for that."He then kiss my hands like a gentleman I wonder who in the world was this then I put it together he was the wolf that I saw before. "you're the one that's been by Haley side protecting her by the night." " well yes of course but I see you're doing a pretty good job keeping her occupied. Oh my name is Jackson" I then gave him my hand , he then shook it so .I then said goodbye to him and pointed in the direction of where Haley was that so he could go meet her finally in person. Then I went across and met more of my Wolfpack that we're here ,we laughed and shared stories and they told me that no matter what if your part witch or not you are still a labonair  and they will protect me like their own. I was filled with joy in knowing that I found a family that could be there for me like I'd be there for them.
I then started smelling something burning but that wasn't food at the fire. I then to see that inside the house it was starting to light up on fire .I knew witches were involved but I couldn't get in there because someone was blocking me in and I tried to unlock it but I could tell it was more than just one witch doing this.So I was waiting and waiting to see if any of the originals are able to help but no answer . I ran to the front of the house to see that Elijah said Haley and Jackson were coughing but all right. I then started feeling wretched pain all over my body to then realize the witches were putting me to a werewolf and making it to my natural state and only turning on the full moon like the others .But only then Hayley told me to go follow Jackson and hide until she has the cure to save our pack. So until then I ran with Jackson and our pack out to the bayou. I couldn't lie but being wolf was kind of being free I could feel and smell every aspect of the woods.
When we got out to the bayou Jackson and the rest of them all gathered together to decide were to hide me but I looked over to see a big grand bush that I could tell no one was living there or hiding out there. so that's where im going to hide out for the next couple of weeks. But for the rest of the night, I continue talking with my family through our pack link. Let's just say I am glad that they have my back and I have theirs.

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