Chapter 1

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Lavender's POV

"Honey, it's time to wake up," a gentle voice whispers to me, coaxing me out of my precious sleep. "You need to get ready for your first day at your new school." I suddenly feel a warm object on my back. It starts soothingly running up and down my back, lulling me back to sleep.

"Hey Mom, is she awake ye- oh, okay how about I try and you can go and get ready for work." A new voice appears, it was deep and kind of loud and I didn't want to hear it anymore, suddenly I feel the the object leave my back and I make some kind of sound in protest. I just want to sleep. Why won't they just let me sleep? I hear a door shut and it's quiet for a few seconds and I almost go back to sleep.

"Hey sweetheart, can you please wake up for me. You got to get ready for your first day." The mean voice whispers and I want to pinch it for disturbing me. I snuggle deeper into my bed and pull my comforter over my head. "How about if you get up right now, then I'll buy you ice cream after school. How does that sound?" I snap my eyes open at the thought of ice cream. I mean who wouldn't get up after being offered ice cream.

"With sprinkles and gummy bear toppings?" My voice is groggy and slightly muffled with the blanket covering my head. The voice chuckles and lifts the blanket from my face so I could see them. Once I see who it is I jump up and attack him with kisses and hugs. "Oh, hi Ally, I haven't seen you since last nig- wait, are you the one who tried to wake me up?" I crawl away from him pouting as I sit on my bum next to my headboard and play with the ends of my hair. I hear him sigh, but I still don't lift up my head.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. You seem so excited yesterday about going to a new school and I didn't want you to be late. Will you forgive me? And before you answer I just want you to know my offer still stands on the ice cream." I look up at him and see that he is smiling my way. He knows I will always forgive him, especially when there's ice cream involved.

"I forgive you." I tell him, "Now get out so I can get ready." I say as I lift him as well as myself up and push him out the door. After he's out of the room I decide what I would wear to school. We had to move due to momma's job, but it also helped with the fact that there were kids in my old school school that weren't the kindest to me. They would always say how childish and stupid I was and even though I could have told Alex or momma, I didn't want to because I didn't want them to get in trouble. I think that I was hoping that maybe if I would have taken their advice they wouldn't be so mean about it and wound actually want to be friends. I break out of my not-so-nice thoughts when I look at the time and realise that I have about thirty minutes until me and Alex have to leave for school.

I quietly hum a random tune as I walk into my closet. I decided to go with a simple white dress that cinched at the waist and the ends of the short sleeves. I slip on my dress and giggle when it flares when I twirl. I grab my backpack and skip down the stairs, excited to see Alex's and mom's reaction to my first day outfit choice. As soon as my foot hits the last step of the stairs I run to the kitchen, already smelling the delicious fumes of the breakfast that was made.

"Honey, come eat your breakfast and as soon as you're done, Ally will take you to school." Momma says as soon as she sees me enter the kitchen. I see Alex give her an annoyed look, but he stops as soon as I take a seat at the barstool next to him and give him a peck on his cheek. He smiles slightly, showing off his dimple and presses a long kiss on the side of my head. I giggled and turn to my food that sat right in front of me. Yum, chocolate chip pancakes.

"Thank you Momma." I say with pancakes in my mouth. "Do you like my dress?" I ask both family members. Momma nods and Alex looks at my dress and scrunches up his eyebrows and slightly pouts. My excitement immediately drops at the idea that he might not like it. "Should I go change? Nevermind, I'm sorry. That was a stupid question, I'll go cha-"

"It looks beautiful, buttercup," He reassures me. "But don't you think you should grab a jacket. Just in case you get cold of course." My heart lightens, knowing that he approves of my outfit.

"Don't be silly Ally. I'll just use your jacket if I'm cold." I drop the subject and continue to eat my food. I hear him sigh and mutter something under his breathe, but I'm to focused on my breakfast to care.

As I continue to finish my food I think about the school both Alex and I are going to be attending. I think about how even now that we've moved, he'll still probably never let me play the games that he would play with his girlfriends in his room no matter how much I ask. He always makes it seem so much fun though, with how loud that they always get when they play. Butthole. I think about how he wouldn't always be there to protect me from the girls that are always making fun of me because he's a grade above me. I think about the mean words that they will call me because I'm different from them. I feel my eyes start to water and there's this burning feeling in the back of my throat as I try to hold back my sobs.

"U-uh Momma, I don't really think I want to go to school today. They're going t-to make fun of me an-and I don't want them to see me c-cry because then they're going to be e-even more mean. And just- just please don't m-make me go." I sob into my hands as I attempt to wipe the continuous flow of tears that fall from my eyes. Alex drops his phone on the counter and hold my face in his hands, his thumbs gently stroking underneath my eyes. He tries to get my attention, but I continue to sob, staring at the piece of chocolate on his chin.

"Buttercup, listen to me. I will never let anyone hurt you, okay? If you really don't want to go to school today, then I will stay with you. I got your back, sweetie, always remember that." He says softly and I lift up my head and see his soft blue eyes staring back at me. I take a napkin of the table and wipe the chocolate away and nod. When i turn my head I notice momma giving me a look as if saying, 'are you okay?' and I nod once again.

"Okay," I sniffle. "Let's do this."


A/N Thank you so much for reading. I know it was a short chapter, but I have a lot of ideas. The outfit on top is Lavender's outfit for her first day of school. I hope you have a good day. Bye.

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