Chapter 2

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Lavender's POV

We're in Alex's car, on our way to our new school. After my little episode, Alex realised we were going to be late if we didn't go now, so we said goodbye to Momma and headed out the door. Alex's CDs are currently playing in the background and I recognize the song as one that I used to listen to when I was younger. I look over at Alex to see him smiling and he reaches his hand out and turns up the volume on the speaker. He bobs his head up and down, our similar blonds hair flying in the wind while mouthing the words to the song and I laugh at how silly he's being. The car suddenly stops and I pout and look out the window, only to see that we were at the school. I'm still a tiny bit scared of how they're going to treat me. What if they don't like me?

"Hey buttercup, you're fine. I'm going to be here every step of the way, you got that? I'm not leaving you." Alex brings me out of my train of thought and I nod hesitantly, still unsure, but glad that I have him to back me up.

"Okay. I'm okay now. We can go." I tell him, I feel so proud of myself for being brave. Alex gives me a smile and unbuckles his seat belt and gets out of the car. I wait inside because I know if I open up the car door for myself, he'll be upset. I laugh at the thought of him pouting for the rest of the day because I opened the door before he could get there. It certainly wouldn't be the first time it happened. After a moment, he opens the door and I step out. He shuts the door and continues to open the backseat, where our backpacks were and grabs both mine and his, placing them on both of his shoulders. I take a look around and grab onto Alex's hand in a tight hold.

He begins to walk towards the entrance of the school with me clinging to his hand. I timidly take a other look around and there were only a few people hanging outside, but we seemed to gather their attention. I never did like attention and being a new kid doesn't help my situation at all. I see some girls glaring at me, but I don't know why. I knew I should've just worn something normal. I pause for a moment and take a deep breath trying to calm myself down, I didn't want to be known for being a cry baby on my first day. I look up to Alex to see him glowering at a bunch of boys in front of us who were whistling. Why are they whistling?

I pull Alex down my his shoulder and cup my hands around his ear and whisper, "Ally I think we're in their way, we should move. And also, why do you look like Mr. Fluff Ball Jr. accidently peed on your homework again? Are you feeling sick? Do you need to go to the nurse? Oh my goodness Ally, if weren't feeling good why didn't you tell me?! Let's go home and we'll come back when your feeling bet-"

"I'm perfectly fine, sweetheart. I just don't like the way they were looking at you. Let's go get our schedules before first period starts." Alex interrupts me and grabs my hand leading me towards the school. He doesn't give me enough time to think about it before he yanks my hand and I accidentally trip. He sends me an apologetic look and slows down his pace with my hand still in his and we make our way to the inside the school.

When we enter the school my first thought is that there are a lot more people in here, loitering around the hallways then there was outside. Of course, since we're the new kids people tend to get curious and that's when the nervousness begins to kick in. I know that Alex can tell that I'm feeling uncomfortable so he begins to rub reassuring circles on my hand with his thumb and my attention goes to our hands. Not paying attention to where we're going I take my hand out of his and examine it. His hands are slightly calloused and have really prominent blue veins that run from his wrist to his noticeably dry knuckles. I always tell him to put lotion on, but he never listenes to me. He has a silver bulky ring with the word, brother in cursive on his left pinky, I have a similar one on my pointer finger, but it has a slightly smaller band and an open circle in the middle with the word sister in cursive. I twist the around the ring and notice a tan line of where the ring was supposed to be and I quietly laugh at it, but all it goes to show is that he never takes it off and I really appreciate it. He got us the rings on my twelfth birthday and we've both kept them ever since.

"... schedule."

"Pardon?" I ask, eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. He shakes his head in amusement and my face heats in embarrassment. I look up and notice that we were outside of the office and Alex had a few papers in his hand. I guess I got distracted and didn't notice when we're at the office already.

"Here's your schedule." He gives me my schedule as well as a map of the school, which I was very grateful for considering I'm not the best when it comes to directions. I look down at my schedule and mumble a quiet 'thank you'.

"We'll have the same lunch so don't worry about not having anybody to eat with. You have third and seventh class with me, which is Fitness and Government. And then you have the rest by yourself. But don't worry because the office has a student with a similar schedule and she'll be showing you around and taking you to the rest of your classes." He finishes with a smile. I don't know how I feel about not being with Alex all day, but I guess I have to get used to it, seeing as he is going to graduate next year.

I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn around and take in the girl that was standing right in front of me. She had her dark brown almost black hair in a high ponytail secured with blue velvety scrunchy. Her eyes were an emerald shade of green with a light trace of blue around her pupils. She was wearing a green checkered skirt that made her eyes pop and a flowy red long sleeved cropped shirt. Alex nudges me forward in an attempt to make conversation.

"H-hello my name's L-lavender. I like your s-skirt." I stutter out. I want to cry for stuttering, she probably thinks I'm weird now.

"Hello there cutie pie, my name's Sawyer. You two must be our new students. What's your name?" She asks direction her questions at Alex.

"I'm Alex, it's nice to meet you and thank you for showing Lavender around, but I need to go find my classes. Lavender, I'll see you in third and we'll go to lunch together, okay, bye sweetheart." I didn't get a chance to say anything back before he gave me a rushed kiss on the head and headed down the hallway. I turned my attention back to Sawyer and saw her fanning her face.

"Who was that fine piece of meat?" She asks me and I look back at her in confusion.

"P-piece of meat? What do you mean by that? Are you h-hungry? I have a granola bar in my bag if you want it." I tell her already swinging my bag around to get the snack. It was meant to be an afternoon snack, but if she's hungey she could have it.

"I'm fine, cutie. Let's go to first period." She laughs and drags me to our first class.


A/N- thank you all for another chapter. Again, sorry about the chapter being so short, but anyways hoped you enjoyed. Have a good day.

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