Chapter 15

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Days passed without a word from province five. I spent many nights standing by the windows, waiting to watch the army appear at the gates. Daylight hours were spent in a restless sleep, unable to find more than a few hours each night. Broken and limited sleep, I was like a walking wreck.

My father's funeral had been quite a large ceremony. Crowds of mourners lined the streets and two people who were not me or my mother mourned the man in the coffin. Our body doubles were not needed but Asa demanded that they went in our place. This house was not to be left unattended, I had to remain here.

So, we had a private funeral here. Our closest friends attended as well as those who my father cared for. It was a lovely service and I think that I preferred it rather than the state affair that the world saw.

I was now queen, word had spread that my father was gone and that his missing daughter had returned. Many knew that I wasn't really missing, that I'd been sent away out of safety. As to my whereabouts well, that was whispered about but no one ever found me. I think that the people of this province wanted to keep me safe as well, especially when the provinces started to fall.

My heart sank as a figure appeared at the gatehouse. When the figure stepped aside, one of the guards began to run towards the building. Turning from the window, I rushed down the stairs. Asa was at the doors, opening them to the guard.

"Your Highness, it appears that we have a visitor."

"So it would seem."

The guard bowed as he approached, holding out the letter.

"Your Highness, word from the king of province five."

I took the letter and broke the seal. Taking a deep breath, I pulled out the letter and began to read what the so-called benevolent king of province five had to say for himself.

"My lady?" Asa said quietly.

"His Highness offers his condolences and goes on to say that we have two choices. Hand over the province peacefully and live to see another day as one of the aristocracy in this province or refuse and die when his army sweeps through and kills every single one of us."

"A fine offer, if I do say so, my lady. I assume you will be refusing?"

"Of course, Asa. Wait here a moment, please."

They both nodded and I walked into the study. In the past few days, I've mulled over a few choice words to send back to Alaric. Taking pen to paper, I told him that I was going to select option three, him coming here and discussing the future with me in person. I added that if he were a man then he'd do the right thing and walk into war with his army rather than conducting it from the safety of his home.

I always found that offering a little insult within the pleasantries worked well. I was being kind but inside that kindness was a kick in the teeth.

Folding the paper, I put it into the envelope and sealed it with wax. Waiting for it to dry around the seal was tedious and when I lifted it and saw the family crest, I felt a whole new wave of sadness hit me. My first official document and it was an act of war. It was not what I expected.

Walking out of the study, I gave the letter to the guard and then waited for him to leave.

"My lady, you don't look well."

"My first act of war, Asa. Did you expect me to be hanging from the chandelier with party streamers?"

"Well, no but you honestly don't look well. Have you been feeding on the bags or the street?"

"The street."

"Perhaps you should consult the doctor."

"In time. I want you to make sure the guards are aware that we are expecting guests. Make sure we are prepared and I want that gate to remain firm and upright. They are not to get in here, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, your highness."

"Thank you, Asa."

I turned, walking a hasty path up the stairs to my bedroom. There were many shorter paths to the place that I needed but right now, I just wanted privacy.

It would seem that the request was pointless. No sooner had I shut the door to my quarters when someone knocked on it.


The door slowly opened and the doctor walked in.

"Forgive the intrusion, your highness but Asa is quite concerned for your failing health."

"I'm fine."

I wasn't but I didn't have time to be sick.

"I hope you don't think it's too forward of me but you don't look fine."

"I am. Just a lingering cold from a bad night out."

"Alright but if you change your mind or if you deteriorate any further, I want you to summon me at once."

I nodded, watching as he turned out of the room. Peace at last.

It was short lived. I felt uncomfortable. Hot even though the room was cold. My clothes were itchy and constricting. I'd prefer to be in shorts and a shirt but life as a royal was done in the best finery that money could buy.

Walking into my dressing room, I stripped out of the clothes and made my way into the shower. One cold shower to cool the searing body.

In those moments alone, I thought about Silas. It was crazy to say that I actually missed him. I hoped he was doing better now. My father would be upset if he knew what I'd done. I'd slept with the enemy. I knew that Alaric was taking down provinces but I blindly believed that he was after the ridge and nothing else. Now I knew differently and it was not looking good for us.

I hoped that Alaric would come here, I hoped that when he saw who he was faced with that he'd change his mind. It was foolish but it was all that I had.

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