4: NEN!!!

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The picture above is her at around age 18, so like~ yeah~ anyway, I'm making Aiko go to the Hunter exams with Killua, since I want her to be apart of the main events, but she will be 6 years old, but will have the appearance of a 10 year old, but even then she'll still appear as the youngest there~

Anyway, enjoy my embers!


Story begins:

Aiko and her father, Silva, were in an dark room that was somehow still bright, but even then, it wouldn't matter to Aiko, she can see in the dark, thanks to her abilities.

Silva sat on one of the two chairs in the room and said "Have a seat Yoru." Aiko did as her father suggested and sat on the other seat, in front of them was a table with 4 cups of water on it, 2 were placed in the middle and one closer to Silva and one closer to Aiko, two were for drinking the other two for the test to come.

Silva explained Nen to Aiko, "Aura (オーラ, Ōra) is the life energy produced by all living bodies vital for survival. Aura from all parts of the body has a tendency to flow together, producing one mass of energy. This happens without the individual's awareness, typically resulting in a slow leak of aura continually escaping the body and stemming up and off the top of the head. The pores or points on the body from which aura flows out from are called "Aura Nodes" (精孔) (しょうこう, Shōkō). In normal conditions, aura leaks away constantly without exceedingly harmful consequences; however, if someone whose Aura Nodes are fully open does not attempt to close them or control the flow of their aura, they will soon grow so fatigued they will be unable to stand or even lose consciousness. Grave wounds such as mutilations can disrupt the flow of aura in the affected body part and even stop it altogether. Controlling one's Aura Nodes is the first step to becoming a Nen user."

Aiko nodded her head in understanding and Silva continued "Only someone whose Aura Nodes located in the eyes are opened can see aura, whose normal leakage looks similar to water vapor from a kettle. Nonetheless, sensitive individuals can feel its presence without being aware of its existence. It has been described as feeling like a warm, viscous fluid at rest, whereas powerful, refined auras produce a sensation that feels akin to needles pricking into the skin. Hostile aura generates extremely unpleasant sensations, which can cause a non-user to halt in their tracks and be unable to walk towards the source as if a wall had been erected in front of them. Since every living being emits aura subconsciously, learning to sense aura is a useful skill for those tracking living things or hunting non-living things infused with aura. An experienced user of Nen can judge the location and relative strength of their opponents through reading the output of their aura. On the other hand, skilled Nen users can also regulate the flow of their aura so they appear to be beginners or regular individuals."

Aiko smiled at the new information, aiko was worried though, that this might effect how well she controls her magic.

Silva continued when he saw aiko's smile "A student learning Nen trains to manually open and close their Aura Nodes so that they can control the flow of their aura. One typically learns this process slowly and gradually through meditation. There exists a second method, colloquially called Initiation or Baptism, which consists in forcing the Aura Nodes open via an influx of aura. Despite being much quicker, this method is typically frowned upon by Nen instructors due to the danger it poses to the student if the user is inexperienced or has malicious intent, and it is not considered a standard teaching method. It is referred to as an "attack" to convey the taboo on it, which is due to the fact that non-users who awaken this way without having received an appropriate amount of training might take damage from the process or suffer from exhaustion for a long time due to being unable to control the aura leakage in all but the rarest cases."

Aiko nodded and Silva said "Since you plan on entering the Hunter exam next year, we will do the quick way to open your aura nodes, are you prepared." Aiko nodded and Silva and Aiko stood up and moved away from the glass and water, he then fluctuated his aura into Aiko, aiko felt pain but was used to pain and easily withstood it.

When it was completed, Silva quickly instructed Aiko on how to control her aura, which she completed in a matter of minutes, she followed all of her fathers orders, and quickly perfected the control of her aura. Silva quickly taught Aiko the four exercises of nen of the flame.

She had perfected Ten, as she had perfect control of her aura very quickly. Silva taught her Zetsu, which she learned very quickly, it took her a day to perfect it, then Silva told her to take a 3 day break while practicing Zetsu and Ten.

The three days were boring to Aiko, when they continued learning about Nen, Silva taught Aiko, Ren, the bad thing was that aiko's aura when turned into Ren with killing intent, made Silva freeze, unable to move, after Aiko realized what she had done, she stopped and helped her father.

A month passed and Aiko finally perfected Ren and was close to Perfecting Hatsu, of course, Hatsu was hard, because she tried many things, but Silva wasn't present when Aiko was practicing so she did not know she needed to know her type.

Finally, Silva came and they both sat down a smile Silva asked Aiko "Yoru, it is time to do Hatsu." Aiko smiles and said "finally!" She was excited to finally do it properly.

Silva held two glasses of water and placed them on the wooden table. He then said "Yoru, I want you to put your aura into this glass of water." Aiko nodded and asked "Why?" Silva then explained, "It is a way to see what type of Nen you possess, if the volume of the water changes, then you're an enhancer, if the taste of the water changes, you're a Transmuter, if impurities appear in the water, you're a conjurer, if the water changes color, you're a emitter, if the leaf on the waters surface moved, your a manipulator, and if another chance occurs, your a specialist."

Aiko nods and watch as he coats his hands in Nen and pours it into the cup, nothing happens to the water, she dips her finger into the water and discovers it's sweet! Silva is a transmuter that is why the flavor changes.

Aiko followed her fathers example and held both her hands on either side of the glass and poured her Nen into it, then suddenly the water floated up and formed the shape of a butterfly, which then collapsed and the glass shattered.

Aiko was taken aback by this, she looked at her father and asked "so I'm a specialist?" Silva nodded and said "By the looks of it, your ability has something to do with creating life, and things breaking... you will have to experiment." Aiko nodded and watched as her father left.

For two months, aiko trained and practice until she finally discovered what her unique ability was, she can create spirit like things that emit a sound that can locate anything but causes glass and other delicate things to shatter because of the sound. These spirits disappeared after completing aiko's orders.

Aiko perfected her use of her ability and then Silva came back and taught her Gyp, which she learned to use for long period of time subconsciously, then he taught her In, and she learned to conceal her spirits as she calls them. Silva wanted to teach Aiko En but she said she didn't like it so they moved on to Shu, she used it to increase the effectiveness and power of the weapons she could use.

Silva then taught Aiko Ko, she ended up being able to change the density allowing her to cut through things like they were paper. Silva then taught Aiko Ken, so she could protect herself if something could possible penetrate her skin or cause things beneath her skin to be affected, she perfected that quickly.

Silva then taught Aiko Ryu so she could easily move her aura around in tough situations, all of this took another 3 month, and the exam was coming up, and as it was the beginning of a new year, aiko was ready!

Too lazy to write a note, so thanks for reading embers!


Word count: 1481

Strange (HUNTER X HUNTER fanfic) (fairy tail fanfic)(on hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora