Chapter 46

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Hi pipz!!!!!..

Hahaha....I almost drop this work but.........let me give it another chance...because i felt that my story is getting irratated and boring according to someone..

I'am wrecking my brain to continue this story and while reading some historical works I can't help but compare my little baby..😢😢😢😢😢...



A loud noise can be heard outside the inner chamber however, the delicate and exquisite middle aged woman indefferently sipping her tea.

Her personal attendants slowly retreated and minimize their presence as possible, this occurrence in the palace of Shu Gufei is no longer new. Outsiders view that their noble consore Shu is the beloved woman of the emperor whom the reason of falling of the well known virtuous late empress, but it is different from the truth inside of the palace walls.

The emperor bestow numerous and extravagant gifts to display how greatly favor Shu Gufei is, but how many nights did their mistress spent in crying inside of her chamber. Countless times she dazely looking at the palace walls. Her arrogance towards the other concubines mask her pain and insecurities.

A man adorned with a yellow robe imposingly stand at the entrance of the inner chamber of Chuxui palace staring at her with devoid of any emotion.

Shu Gufei elegantly put down her jade cup and slowly stoop up to show the greetings towards the emperor.

"No need for formalities, hand the phoenix immediately to Eunuch Wei, Zhen will only part the seal with beloved concubine for 1 month." After stating his order the emperor suddenly turn back not even bothering to stay any longer inside of her chamber.

Shu Gufei mockingly smiled, she doesn't even clear herself who is more pitiful and pathetic. The other concubines whom she painstakingly suppress to gain his attention and love or herself who never woke up and accept that his love is reserved for that woman.

How many years has it been? The last time she truly feel the genuine happiness of this world. She exchange her freedom to pursue him. Her lifetime happiness exchange for a single glance.

What a noble blood? She who is an esteem lady from a prestigious family begging for love of a man. While she can only witness an undying love between commoners. What's the difference?

But unknown to everyone, while the emperor is nearing the gate of the chuxui palace a loud noise suddenly heard.


the red Phoenix seal one of the treasures items pass down from generation to generation was instantly became a trash.

Shu gufei emotionlessly throw the phoenix seal without batting an eye.

Eunuch Wei can't recover from the shock. He is sure that shu gufei was giving him the seal but a second later, her action changed.

He hurriedly turn his gaze at the man whom is walking towards their direction with a heavy face. Eunuch Wei harden his heart and helplessly look at the woman in front of him.


Instead of fear, tears are silently falling in Shu gufei delicate face.

"How many years has it been since the last time you utter my name?"

"How many times had I dream the moment you speak my name with intimate feelings, slowly whispering beside my ear?"

"But how ironic, the moment it came in reality, every letter of my name coming out of your mouth are full of contempt and disgust."

The Venomous WangfeiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora