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June 24th, 1979.

She knew it was too good to be true.

The one day where it wasn't all arguing or living life on edge but rather a day of sincere smiles and peace—it was all too good to be true. They both knew it.

Because by the next day, it was the same thing all over again.

Earlier in the day, Roger told (or rather asked) Rosie that he was going with the boys for some drinks at a bar as a kind of celebratory thing leading up to the days of a small tour they were making in Europe. Brian was going to be there—Fred, John, and some other friends from the staff as well.

And what did Rosie say? She let him go, seeing that they both needed some space from each other.

But when Roger comes home, there is one rule that he must abide to and that is to not come home drunk. Fortunately, incidents like that only happened maybe twice in their entire relationship.

Last time he had come home drunk, he regretted every second of it and vowed to never make a mistake like that ever again. And he kept it.

For a while.

Rosie didn't know what was to come of this, now remembering the last time, and how it effected their relationship. Honestly, she was scared.

She didn't want to handle a drunk Roger Taylor because all the memories would just come rushing back to her and reminding her of her roots and her horrific upbringing. Even at the age of twenty-eight, she still felt like a fucking sixteen year old with no idea what to do.

When the time came to nine, Rosie was getting a little skeptical. Roger left at six, so it really wasn't anything to be alarmed of.

Then ten o'clock. The sky is now pitch black, and she is starting to wear out herself. But she can't seem to fall asleep without Roger as of lately, so she waits.

And then comes, eleven. The magic number.

Rosie is sat on the couch watching Hell's Kitchen, an empty bowl of grapes right beside her. She had been waiting for God knows how long for Roger to get back, and by now, she was beginning to wonder if it was actually worth it to wait.

With touring on its way, Roger wanted to get back into good sleeping habits before July, and Rosie complied, seeing that her own habit were extremely unhealthy to begin with. But tonight? She wanted her boyfriend home, so they could go to sleep.

But more importantly, she missed Roger.

She missed him more than she missed Dubrovnik and all the happy memories shared between them in eight years. She hadn't properly admitted it for a good three months, but she was serious right now.

where are u

i need u to come home right now

Rog is typing...

She bit her lip. What if Rog is cheating on me? What if he's out fucking some girl he met at the bar—oh my God.

Hey it's Brian

WHERE is Roger

He can't text right now

I'm driving him home right now


Rosie didn't even need to text anymore because she was familiar of this situation. Not many times, fortunately, but she knew what had happened.

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