4. Tyrion's plan.

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'Why did you call us ? Why are you pacing ? Did you call to make us watch this ?' Tyrion asks, laughing, and looks at Jaime, who looks as if he is about to murder his younger brother. He stops laughing. Brienne pays no attention to them, and keeps on pacing.

'What troubles you, Lady Brienne ?' Jaime asks, worry filled in his voice. Brienne stops walking. She takes a deep breath, and sits in her chair.

 'What I'm about to tell you, although it is unfathomable, it is true. You have to believe me, and please - stand by me when trouble comes.' She says, her blue eyes darting from Jaime to Tyrion and back to Jaime. Jaime nods, and Tyrion smirks.' First let us hear.It is very hard to surprise me.'

She tells them everything - The boat, Andrea, her runaway to Essos, conspiracy of killing Drogo.

'My gods', Tyrion says, his eyes wide and his flagon of wine empty. Jaime stares at Brienne, disbelief dancing in his eyes.

'Bran Stark must have already told the queen. Tyrion, when she approaches for council, do not allow her to send troops to Tarth. there is more at stake here, protecting people from the others beyond the wall. Her judgement will be clouded with the desire to kill my sister, but please,no.'Brienne says this in one breath, pleading.

'Yes, I will try Lady Brienne. I cannot assure you, but I will try.But why ? Why did your sister kill him ?' Just as Tyrion finishes his question, a loud knock reverberates inside the room. As Jaime opens, Grey Worm's guard faces him.'All of you are commanded by the queen to assemble in the palace courts immediately'. Jaime nods, and all three walk to the meeting, not exchanging glances or words.

'I have received an interesting information regarding your family, Lady Brienne.' Daenerys says, a dangerous smile in her face. Jaime looks at Brienne, whose face is emotionless. 'It seems, your sister have blood in her hands.My dead husband's'.Daenerys is angry, her entire frame shaking. Murmuring in the hall grows, as Jaime observe both Brienne and Daenerys. 'I know my lady,....'Brienne's sentence goes unfinished as Tyrion interjects.

'My queen, apologies for interrupting, but we have time in the future for the punishment. We have a much important danger in our path. It is unwise to get your mind filled with thoughts other than the ways to defeat the night king. Let me suggest you, as you are thinking, instead of sending troops  to Tarth, let us send for the wench and bring her to Winterfell. If it is any solace, let the trial be done here. Let my brother be sent to Tarth and bring her. 'Tyrion finishes speaking, and it feels like no one is breathing.All eyes are on Daenerys.

The queen eyes Tyrion, apparently having a difficulty to take decision as instructed by her hand. After moments, Daenerys says' Interesting, Lannister. That you knew abut this before i did.Very well, bring the girl. I will decide everything after the girl is brought,' She says curtly, making it clear that the meeting is over. She stands, shoots a glare at Brienne and walks away.

'You did not make it better, Lannister. 'Brienne says angrily, hissing at tyrion.' I did what i could, lady. If the trial is here, you can speak up for her. Also, an entire population of an island, however small it may be,need not be burnt just because some girl conspired to kill the queen's dead husband. How old was she ?' 'nine.' Brienne says. 'The girl is good', Jaime says, clearly impressed. Before walking away, Brienne says, 'Tarth is not small.'

The brothers' laughs fill the halls.

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