Chapter Forty-One: A Heated Walk

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"It's brighter then I expected it to be under such a storm that lies above." Jewel tilted her head to the side before using her suit to snap a picture, "Be something for my wall in the cell." The woman snapped at Garrett as he walked by. Obviously, still upset with her current stature.

"Alright, so their planet glows, and so do Zio and Fex. Their fucking lightning bugs." Bruno snickered as he rubbed the back of his head. The male was only joking of course, but it had earned him a harsh hit to the head and a hiss.

'And you're a fucking ant.' Fex flicked Bruno in the forehead, but stopped as Captain Strong walked out, and then Luna.

Luna walked rather quickly to get off the Panel. She moved towards Fex and Zio. The girl looked up at them, "Are you two okay? The Yeti's?"

'Luna.' Fex and Zio both seemed to show a sense of relief upon Luna's return. Zio placed a hand in her head, 'Are you alright?' Zio huffed a bit as he looked at Captain Strong, 'What did he do?' He frowned as he looker towards Strong. The alpha Irinaut didn't like him having control, but there wasn't much he could do.

The hybrid shook her head, "I'm fine. You all though, how are we going to get-"

"Alright! Move it! We don't have all day, ladies." Captain Strong came up to the Irinaut's. His eyes widened a bit as he looked at Luna, "Huh, I guess it is true. You are one of them."

Luna tilted her head to the side. Suddenly becoming a bit confused as she looked up at Zio and Fex, but then Luna could see the golden glow that danced in her veins. The one's in her eyes did just the same. Under her eyes and against her cheeks, the florescent yellow golden glow was impossible to miss on her rosed cheeks.

Captain Strong tilted his head to the side, "Come on then, let's find the leech." He looked up at Fex, "Or you just going to let me fry you?"

Fex rolled his head; a grin ran across his lips. The male had lunged forward suddenly and snapped his jaws at Strong. The captain had jumped back, and Fex was left with the grin on his face, 'You're on my planet now, Strong.'


"This place is remarkable!" Sam and Ian walked with the group. The front, Zio and Fex led with Luna at their side. Captain Strong was behind them, and the soldiers as well as Jewel and their group were in the back with them. Sam wasn't touching, merely admiring the strang plants.

"They all coat themselves in a thick gel that helps give off the glow. It looks like a sort of food source." Ian looked around. Every plant that seemed to be growing had the slimey outer layer, "The ground is even moist."

Fex and Zio snickered to one another as they listened to everyone who took in the scenery. The trees were huge, and their colors were pale, but pasteled in a layer of opal that helped intensify their glow, but as the limbs thinned out to twigs, the glow simply faded and left the job to the rounded leaves to glow in vibrant turquoise colors. The leaves that fell from them immediately lost their color. Both of them seemed more relaxed.

"We've been walking for hours, Strong! We need to rest." Garrett said rather bluntly.

"The longer we're out here, the more at risk we all become. We won't stop." Captain Strong said simply, "We need that leech, we need that power."

"Your soldiers are not going to be of any use tired. Perhaps you should reconsider." Garrett looked back. The soldier's were dragging along, "I believe it's gotten warmer, don't you? These suits, their burning up."

Zio and Fex didn't seemed phased, but unlike the others, they hadn't put on the suits. Luna was drenched though. What cool breeze she had gotten from the wind to her cheeks was immediate relief, but when Fex and Zio came to a stop after hearing Strong and Garrett talk, everyone halted in surprise.

"What are they doing, Luna? Get them moving. We don't have all day." Captain Strong sneered his lip lightly, "I told you all not to stop."

Zio shook his head no, 'They are no use tired and will end up a damn meal  to the Yeti's if you don't let them rest. Have you ever seen a wild Yeti? No? Send them back or let them rest.'

"They need to rest or they won't make it, Strong." Luna stood in front of Fex and Zio, "He said to send them back or let them rest."

Strong pulled out the remote, "I'm sorry. Have we forgotten I can blow your glowing friend's head off? We're going to keep walking until I say otherwise. We will rest when I say we rest."

Fex rolled his eyes, 'Blow my head off. Please. I'd rather do that then listen to another word come out of your mouth, ant.' Fex hissed; sneering his lip as he spoke. He even imitated his head exploding with his hands. The male had one hell of a attitude unlike Zio. His temper was quick to set off and he was obviously there.

"Fex!" Luna held his hand tightly. She looked up at him nervously, "Everything's going to be okay. We can walk a while longer, yeah?" Luna pulled roughly on his hand, her eyes lightened up with obvious frustration, 'You're going to get yourself killed if you keep this up, Fex.' The hybrid cocked her head to the side before giving a light pull. "Come on."

Fex's eyes hadn't come off Strong for some time. It was all still before Fex came too. He let out a loud snarl and sneered a bit. The blue scaled male turned around and walked up the path, 'We've been spotted by now.' Fex looked at Zio, 'We need to find a way to slow down, dammit. The further we go into this thick wood, the closer we get to the spores.'

Zio nodded softly before rubbing his shoulder, 'I know, Fex. We gotta figure it out alright? If we find the refuge before the infected, then we're on to something.' Zio already felt the presence of another queen. He hoped that refuge was somewhere close without the spores and before a very controlling queen makes her presence known. 'We'll just keep going this way, Zio. No one know's this place like we do. We'll all be fine.'

Fex huffed, 'Yeah, I hope.'

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