Chapter 6

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"Alright, Cass. Talk to me, man, cuz that was... that was something else, man," Dean led Castiel out to the lobby once more as Sam was taking the woman towards the bathroom where she could get into a hot shower while he looked for clothes she could wear for the time being.


"Bless you." Dean answered. Castiel was dangerously close to rolling his eyes as Dean took his beer from the fridge, popped it open and collapsed into his chair.

"Hausos is the name of Love. Literally. She IS the embodiment of love itself, old as time and the reason there is even the feeling in the world of one thing bonding with another romantically," Castiel explained.

"So, like, Aphrodite?" Dean asked.

"Aphrodite is the goddess OF love, Hausos IS love. Aphrodite is thousands of years old, Hausos is MILLIONS. Aphrodite is an infant compared to what Hausos is."

Cass's eyes bore down on Dean's as he sat beside him, imparting how important it was for Dean to know what they were dealing with.

"Hausos is an ancient being so powerful her own daughter can't look upon her without the protective measures of her mother's gift. No one knows what it looks like but that woman in that room."

"And unless it's some kind of tangible gift," Dean concluded, "I guess it's safe to say it's not with her anymore." Cass nodded.

"That explains the freak out, and why she wouldn't just tell her mother where she was if she could sense her," Dean suggested.

"If she were to look upon Hausos without the protection of her mother's gift, the woman we are protecting would burst into flame with more damage than a mortal would have if they were to gaze upon my true form," Castiel said sadly, remembering those mortals who were unfortunate enough to have done so in the past.

"So what the hell do we do with this information, Cass?" demanded Dean, more frustrated with the answers than the questions they solved.

"We help her," answered Sam, who walked in on the tail end of the conversation. Castiel and Dean looked at him expectantly.

"She's fine, I showed her how to use the shower and what to do with her hair before leaving a set of clothes for her to wear after she was done. I gave her one of my shirts but I think she'd fit better in a pair of your jeans, so she's got them and belt in her pile," Sam pointed a look at Dean to address him.

"You think she'd fit better in my pants, huh?" Dean smirked, not able, or willing, to help himself. Sam shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Alright, Sammy, how do we help her when we don't know what we are looking for? It's some kind of gift from—"

"Her mother, right," Sam nodded as he sat across from Dean. "It's a necklace. Silver-colored chain and a stone the size of her thumb. Purple, like her eyes, she says."

Dean sat back against his chair, pressing the bottle to his lips as he drank.

"Oh man, that would suck. Not to ever be able to look at your mom without some necklace around your neck all the time?" Dean thought out loud.

"Well, actually," Castiel interjected. "She won't always need the necklace."

The men surrounding him looked at him to continue.

"While I was searching for answers, I found out a lot more about Hausos and her daughter. Turns out, while Aphrodite is still an infant compared to Hausos, the woman we know is more of a teenager in that sort of timeline. Her powers grow each millennia and one day she will have the full power of her mother, if not even more so."

"You found all this out, did you find out what the hell her name is? We can't keep calling her 'the woman' or whatever. That's just awkward," Dean said, setting his empty bottle onto the tabletop and contemplating getting another.

"Hausos never revealed her daughter's name for fear of an entity learning how to summon her for nefarious reasons," explained Castiel. Sam nodded in understanding. "For now, I suggest we ask her what she would prefer to be addressed as while she is in our care. Another word of wisdom, though: 

"Though her powers aren't fully bloomed, she DOES have a few known tricks up her sleeve. The compelling, as we have been calling it, is all wrong. She doesn't 'compel' people to do her bidding. When she says a person's name, which she can sense automatically (though it seems angels are the exception since she had to ask what mine was) that person is in love with her, devoted to her until the end of time, or the end of her spell, whichever she decides. Not even her mother can break this spell."

Sam and Dean looked at each other in surprised horror.

"Damn," wheezed out Dean. 

"That's how she knew the demon's name from the alley," Sam murmured with realization. 

"There are rumors that even being around her can suck one into loving her, but that's not been confirmed. In any case, should either of you begin to feel... unusual... you must report it to me immediately," Cass looked at both of the men before him sternly before standing.

"She said she was captured by demons, chances are there's one who would be in charge and responsible for taking her gem. Someone power-hungry and willing to do the unthinkable to keep things under his thumb as he rules."

All three said in unison:


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