| 55 | Two weeks later

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Third person's p.o.v

It's been two weeks since Raghav came back home.

He never even brought the topic of Myra even infront of his brother and sister-in-law.

Even Abhi and Aarohi didn't want to take the topic far.

Raghav got himself busy with lots and lots of work. Whenever he gets angry he use to shout on his employees. Raghav had no idea what he had become.

He was feeling sorry to them. He can't believe that he had become a beast trying to forget Myra.

It was impossible for Raghav.

Raghav forgot that today was his birthday as well.

His family tried to make him cheer but he left early for work.

At the evening his father walked into Raghav's office

"Are you done for today?!"His dad asked him

"No I have work. I'll probably stay tonight..!"Raghav said

"I'm not accepting that son. You're coming home and that's final. If you don't I won't even think twice before I kick you out of here!"His dad warned him and Raghav looked up.

"Fine!"Raghav said packing this things.

His father choose to drive the car while Raghav sat next  to him in silence.

They reached to their mansion.

Raghav and his dad stopped at the door

"Go in son..!"His dad said and Raghav was confused.

He opened it and went in. It was dark and he was confused.

"Surprise!"Everyone screamed out loud and Raghav's dad turned the light on.

Everyone were here.

His family,Myra's dad,Dev,Naina,Jenny,Mike and Zoya.

Raghav felt happy

"What is all this?!"Raghav asked

"Happy birthday Raghav...!"Aarohi said coming towards Raghav

"Thank Bhabhi....!"Raghav said realizing today was his birthday. He hugged her and smiled.

Soon everyone hugged Raghav and wished him.

With all of their presence he was missing Myra.

"So wha present did you bring me?!"Raghav asked Jenny who excused herself from Mike and came to Raghav

"I just wish you too be happy Raghav. You're my best friend and from now on you will never be sad...you're getting you're love today....!"Jenny said with a smile.

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