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11. Kunikida regrets ever learning what a meme is from you

12. If you're not going to work at least don't try to hide the fact that you're busy trying to convince Chuuya to do a bet on who dresses the best

13. "Sorry I overslept" it's literally 3 pm what are you even—

14. Edgar didn't appreciate you hogging his raccoon, Ranpo gets whiny as well

15. We will not make a meeting on why the earth is flat

16. Dazai-san one more vine reference and we'll get the president in here

17. Not relevant but continue to be good alright?

18. I don't ever want to go to karaoke night with you again

19. Stop calling us at 4 in the morning, we won't help you make ramen. You nearly gave Atsushi a heart attack once

20. "Help! I might burn my house down! How does one make ramen?!"


So season three is out yeah I'm—

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