thirteen | food

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I walk into the supermarket. Today is Sunday and I have completely run out of food in my house.

I eat so much but surprisingly I'm not the size of a house already. I also need some other things like a new toothbrush, make-up remover and a new conditioner.

I really use conditioner like it is going out of fashion. It makes my hair smell so good and makes it soft, so anyone that says I should use less will have to fight me.

We all know they will lose.

I smile, thinking back to how I beat Jamie's ass. I can't believe how rude he was to me at first considering that he seems so sweet now.

He really did just need someone to beat the shit out of him. I'm glad I got to be the one to do it.

I grab a shopping cart and make my way through the isles, grabbing what I need as I go.

I put way more junk food than I need, but screw it 'cause I'm here for a good time not a long time, right?

As I reach the milk isle, I can sense someone coming up behind me but I don't act on it because it's probably nothing.

I'm proven wrong when someone grabs my hair and yanks it, then roughly shoves me forward.

I turn to find a girl with curly blonde hair glaring at me. I recognise her as one of Elijah's friends, because we went to the ice cream shop and she was there.

Really, this b*tch is attacking me in a supermarket?

"What do you want?" I sneer and fold my arms across my chest. She's really testing me because I will not hesitate to body slam her if she tries to touch me again.

I don't care if she is Elijah's friend or not. Now that Elijah and I are getting closer, and he trusts me more, I am not hesitant to f*ck her up if she tries anything. I know he will be on my side.

"You are not one of us. Don't come into our group and try to take over when you're nothing. You don't belong with us; you belong with the losers because you are one." She places a hand on her hip.

"Ooh, burn," I say sarcastically and roll my eyes.

"I know you want Elijah, but he is too good for you, so don't even bother. He would never go for someone like you."

I laugh. "Okay, sweetheart. Anything else?"

She narrows her eyes. "Don't call me sweetheart."

"Why? What are you going to do? Pull my hair again?"

She screeches and moves forward to slap me, but I duck out the way and am about to punch her when a voice cuts in.

"What is going on here?" I turn and find Jamie looking at us, trying to hide that he is slightly amused.

"This little b*tch came up to me and—"

She talks over me, greeting Jamie with a smile. "Hi, baby," she coos. Baby? She then walks up to him and places a kiss on his lips.

I cringe. That must be as horrible as kissing a fish. Or maybe a snake, in this case.

Now that his attention is on her, she runs her hand down his cheek. "She attacked me for no reason. I was just grabbing some milk and butter for you like you asked when she pulled my hair and told me to stay away from you. I think she's in love with you or something."

Jamie glances at me and raises an eyebrow. "You in love with me, ninja girl?"

"Yeah, Jamie, I saw this random girl who I didn't even know was your girlfriend grabbing some milk and I was like 'hm let me pull her hair because that will make Jamie love me back'. That's a realistic story."

"Jamie? What happened to baby J?" he asks.

"Inappropriate time to call you that."

He chuckles and nods, then takes his girlfriends arm and walks off. I look at her and she is scowling at me as she walks away.

I smile and blow a kiss, then continue to walk through the isles. I think I'm going to take two tubs of ice cream to recover from that traumatic experience.

Please note the sarcasm. I will take any excuse to buy more ice cream, though.

I pull open the freezer and take two big cookies and cream containers then place them into my shopping cart. As I continue walking, someone throws their arm over my shoulder.

I look up and smile when I see Jamie. "Where's your girlfriend?" I ask.

He smiles and glances down at his basket that is half full of things like bread, milk, eggs and a whole lot of chocolate.

"She's gone. She was mad at me for taking your side or whatever." He shrugs. "She's not really my girlfriend yet, but I might ask her to be. I know she seems like a b*tch at first but she's actually not that bad. She's different when I'm alone with her."

"Yeah, but don't you want someone that's amazing all the time, not just when they're alone with you? I mean is 'not that bad' really what you want?" I ask.

He shrugs and drops his arm from my shoulder. "Well, I can't have you, so I just have to settle for less than amazing."

I chuckle and tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Smooth."

He grins. "I mean it. You're really nice. I guess the reason I like Alex is because I'm a lot like her. For example, look the way I treated you before we became friends. I'm an ass and I don't deserve to have an amazing girl when I'm... me. You know?"

I assume Alex is the girl who tried to rip my hair out just now.

I stop walking and take his face in my hands to get him to focus on my words. "You're a good guy, Jamie. I mean you could be nicer but nobody is perfect. As long as you're willing to try to be a better person, you deserve the best," I tell him.

He chuckles and pulls me into a bone crushing hug. "You really are amazing. I'm so glad I became friends with you."

"Well, I did kind of have to beat your ass to be considered a friend but..."

"Yeah, well then thank you for knocking some since into me. I really appreciate it." He lets me go and smiles. "See you around, ninja girl. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone that you're in love with me."

"Bye, baby J," I greet. He smiles and walks away.


Aww I kinda love Jamie.

How old are you guys? (You don't have to answer but I'm just curious)

T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx
I n s t a g r a m : laylaawrites
Y o u t u b e : xThePineappleGirlx

Lots of love and jelly tots - xThePineappleGirlx

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