thirty two | flour

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I rush through the isles, collecting everything that I need to make normal brownies.

I have a recipe on my phone from long ago, because I used to love baking.

There is a huge smile on my face as I throw everything into my basket. Elijah is so going down.

Once I've got everything, I go to the counter and pay. I didn't see Elijah once, so clearly he is behind.

I take the bags and run outside, but frown when I see Elijah leaning back against his car with a smirk.

A few girls walk past and giggle, admiring how good he looks right now.

"What are you doing? Why aren't you buying the ingredients?" I ask when I walk up to him.

He clicks a button to open the trunk and all his packets are already in the car. "If you're going to play dirty, do it right," he says.

"What? How?"

He chuckles. "If you order online they collect everything for you and bring it to the car."

"That's cheating," I groan.

"No, it's a loophole," he responds, using my words from yesterday against me.

I sigh. "Fine, what next?"

"Okay, so there won't be space for both of us to bake in one kitchen so first one to collect the weed and send a photo of it wins. For the baking round first one to make the brownies and send a picture of them wins. Go!" he shouts. He runs into his car and drives off, leaving me without a lift.

I shout after him and he rolls his windows down and laughs, giving me the bird. "See ya, loser!"

I order an Uber to go to Jamie's house. I climb in the car and call Jamie. "Hey, do you have weed?" I ask.

"Yeah, you wanna get high?"

I chuckle. "Mhm, I'm making pot brownies. It's a competition and I need to win this round. Can I come fetch it now? I need to get it before Elijah."

"Oh, brownies. You'll need to decarboxylate the cannabis. I have some. Come over."

"Okay, I'm on my way." I end the call and in few minutes I reach Jamie's house. I run up to his house with my packets in hand and he opens the door, holding the weed.

"Thanks," I say and try to take it out his hand but he pulls it out of my reach and walks into his house.

I follow him in and shut the door. "First you have to agree to something," he says. "Since I'm giving you free weed."

"Fine, what?" I say, exasperated. I don't have time for this.

"Come to Alex's party this Friday. It's her twenty first so it's super formal. I know you don't love her, but you will. Deal?"

"No, now give," I say and wiggle my finger.

"You have to agree or no drugs for you," he argues.

I groan. "Fine." Jamie smiles and hands me the weed and I snap a photo and send it to Elijah.

I immediately get a call from him. "How did you get the weed so fast?"

"Jamie gave it to me," I inform him.

He sighs dramatically. "Okay, round three. It's on, sweetheart."

I look up at Jamie and give him an innocent smile. "Can I use your kitchen to make the brownies?" I bat my eyelashes dramatically. "Please. Please. Please."

"Only if you put effort into dressing formal and being nice to Alex," he says.

"But she literally pulled my hair," I argue. It sucks that you can't just kick everyone in the head when they piss you off. I tried it in kindergarten and my teacher said it was wrong. Stupid teacher.

"Okay, then go use your own kitchen, but don't blame me when you lose."

"Fine, I'll dress formal and be nice to Alex," I grumble.

He leads me to his kitchen and helps me get everything out. He decides to help me make the brownies since I've never made them before.

We mix everything together, with Jamie doing most of the work. That is what Elijah gets for ditching me at the supermarket. He didn't say we couldn't get help.

I slide the tray into the oven, while Jamie makes a dirty joke about 'sliding it in'.

I roll my eyes and shut the oven door, then swipe some of the left over flour from the counter and sprinkle it into his hair.

He freezes and his green eyes bore into mine. "You. Did. Not."

"Yeah, you know, that flour is looking a little lonely," I whisper and pour a little bit of milk in his hair. It makes the flour all mushy and sticky.

I let out an evil laugh and set the milk down. He glares at me, as milk slowly drips down his face. It only makes me laugh harder.

He takes the left over chocolate from the bowl and smears it in my hair, then continues to smear it down my face and onto my clothes.

Once the bowl is empty and the chocolate is all on me, he pulls my face towards him and licks my cheek.

I cringe and he moans. "You taste so good," he states. Then he laughs when he realizes how dirty that sounds.

I blush slightly because his moan was actually kind of hot. Damn it, Bree! Why couldn't you be turned on by something less common than moaning? This is Jamie we are talking about!

I shake my thoughts away and notice Jamie is staring at me. "Are you... blushing?" he questions and tries to wipe the chocolate off my cheeks.

"No, I'm angry. I'm going to freaking kill you!"

"Don't start what you can't finish, ninja girl," he taunts.

I step closer, but suddenly he runs, and I chase after him. He laughs and runs out the front door.

I catch him in a matter of seconds and tackle him to the ground, right on his lawn, his face in the grass.

"Don't forgot I can still beat your ass, Baby J."

"Yeah, but you wouldn't 'cause you love me too much," he states.

He is definitely growing on me.


Hey guys so I just want to say something to you all. It's really important that you understand how grateful I am to you guys for reading my books and everything :')

I also want to say that just because I write stories about drugs and murder and all of that, it doesn't mean you should do drugs and it sure as hell does not mean you should murder someone.

I'm just saying this because in one of my books I saw a comment saying I shouldn't write about certain topics like suicide and stuff because lots of people read my books and will be influenced to do the same thing. I think you guys are smart cookies and know that just because I write about a certain topic doesn't mean you should do what fictional characters do.

So yeah, I'm gonna write whatever the hell I want but I just want you to know not to do dumb shit. Don'tdodrugskthanksbye ;)

T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx
I n s t a g r a m : laylaawrites
Y o u t u b e : xThePineappleGirlx

Lots of love and jelly tots - xThePineappleGirlx

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