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"I told you about it already, Jennie. You can go out now," my dad said with a dismissive wave of his hand, his gaze fixed on the computer screen in front of him. I sighed, feeling a sense of frustration welling up inside me. I had been trying to persuade my dad to let me take over as CEO of our family company for a while now, but he always seemed to brush me off.

As I walked out of the room, my older brother Jackson appeared in the hallway, a concerned look on his face. "It didn't work out again?" he asked, his eyes meeting mine.

I shook my head in resignation. "No, he just keeps telling me to work harder, to prove myself more," I replied, the words coming out in a defeated whisper. I had always been passionate about the family business, but it seemed like my dad would never take me seriously.

"you must do your best to get the company. I love working at the company, but I'm not a workaholic like you." Jackson says

"I can't do anything about it," I said, feeling a sense of hopelessness wash over me. I grabbed my laptop from the table, wanting to escape the stifling atmosphere of the house.

"You can do something about it," Jackson said, his voice firm. "Didn't you tell me that you wanted to take over as the CEO of our company?" I nodded, my eyes meeting his. "Then do it," he said, a determined glint in his eyes.

"Do you know what kind of deal he wanted?" I asked, watching as my brother's head turned to look at me.

"What deal?" he asked, pausing in his actions to give me his full attention.

"He wanted me to look for a partner," I replied, my words causing him to sit up straight in surprise.

"Wait, is he putting you on blind dates or something?" he asked, his eyes wide with shock. I could tell that Jackson was fiercely protective of me, despite the fact that we had different moms. Our dad had always favored Jackson, as he was the eldest, but he never made me feel left out or less important. Our family company was named after both of our surnames - Kim and Wang.

"No," I replied, bringing my eyes back down to my laptop, determined to focus on work and not let my brother's teasing get to me.

"Wait, so you can choose who'll be your boyfriend or girlfriend?" Jackson chuckled, making me glare back at him.

"Come on, Jennie, I'm older than you and I know what you like and what you don't. You're fine with girls, right?" he asked, causing me to roll my eyes in frustration.

"Whatever the case may be, whether it's a boy or a girl, both are headaches," I muttered, shaking my head in annoyance.

"Then if you really want to take over the company, just do what dad told you to do. You have plenty of options anyway. You could even hire someone to be your partner," Jackson suggested.

"I'll go now and play with my friends. I'll see you later," Jackson said before leaving me alone in the living room. I watched him go, feeling a pang of envy. While I was stuck dealing with business matters, my brother had the freedom to hang out with his friends and enjoy his youth.

"Miss Kim, the company called. They wanted you to come for an urgent meeting," one of our helpers said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I let out a sigh, feeling the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. "Tell Mr. Kang that we're leaving in 10," I instructed, making my way to my bedroom to change into something more professional.

As I walked through the hallway, I couldn't help but notice the luxurious decor that surrounded me. Our family's wealth was undeniable, and it was all thanks to the success of Kim and Wang Corp. But with that success came great responsibility, and I was determined to prove to my father that I was ready to take over as the CEO.

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